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Back matter

Name Voice Purpose
Epilogue The narrator (or a character in the book) This piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama is usually used to bring closure to the work.
Extro or Outro   The conclusion to a piece of work, this is considered the opposite of the intro. These terms are more commonly used in music.
Afterword The author or some other real person An afterword generally covers the story of how the book came into being, or of how the idea for the book was developed.
Appendix or Addendum The author This supplemental addition to a given main work may correct errors, explain inconsistencies or otherwise detail or update the information found in the main work.
Glossary The author The glossary consists of a set of definitions of words of importance to the work. They are normally alphabetized. The entries may consist of places and characters, which is common for longer works of fiction.
Bibliography The author This cites other works consulted when writing the body. It is most common in non-fiction books or research papers.
Index Publisher This list of terms used in the text contains references, often page numbers, to where the terms can be found in the text. Most common in non-fiction books.
Colophon Publisher This brief description, usually located at the end of a book, describes production notes relevant to the edition and may include a printer's mark or logotype.

(The text is borrowed and modified from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookbinding: as of 21 January 2012)


Task 5. Bookbinding is the process of physically assembling a book from a number of folded or unfolded sheets of paper or other material. It usually involves attaching a book cover to the resulting text-block. There are various commercial techniques in use today and we are going to get to know them.

Watch the video “Books: How they are made” two times and fill in the gaps with words and phrases from the video (You have 15 minutes for this task).

Books: How they are made

Book bindings date back to 1) _________ century, Egypt, where Christian Moncks sawed sheets of papyrus together. Moncks in 2) __________ stitch together hand written parchments, binding them between wooden boards often covered in 3) _____________, sometimes even embellished with gold leave and jams. The 16 century saw the arrival of 4) ______________________ with simple case board bindings.

Today commercial book binding is highly mechanized. The process starts with 5) _____________, each containing several consecutive pages of the book. A worker positions a stuck of each sheet into a machine appropriately called “the guillotine”. Its sharp blade drops down and 6) __________ access paper. After trimming the stuck moves into a machine called “the folder” which falls each sheet into 7) __________ with the pages and the right order. As we see here, in slow motion, the machine starts by perforating the fold line. Then the sheet moves along the 8)___________ until it hits a stopper to the fire right. This process repeats itself for each fold of the sheet.

Another machine now assembles them in the right 9) _________ along with the cover for binding. There are many different binding methods. This one is called wire stitching. As we see here in slow motion, the machine drives heavy duty staples right through the 10) _______________ of the signature’s uncover. The staples are cut from steal wire that’s so strong. You have to tear the book apart to remove them…

Task 6. Now recall the things which you saw in the film. Underline the objects you saw.

leather, conveyer belt, books, paper, wooden boards, keyboard, man in a uniform, newspapers, book binding process.

Task 7. After watching the video you have already understood the process of book binding peculiarities in general. Read the text about various commercial techniques in book binding that are used nowadays and methods of hardcover binding, in particular, and answer the following questions (You have 15 minutes for this task):

ü Which of the mentioned below binding methods is the most reliable one?

ü Which of the mentioned below binding methods is the simplest one?

ü Is oversewing the most common type of hardcover binding for books?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 393. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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