Студопедия — Module Assessment Paper 2
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Module Assessment Paper 2

Task 1. You have the definitions of some words from Unit 3-4, write down the word itself.

a) the act of placing or the state of being placed

b) to process or make (a product) from a raw material, esp. as a large-scale operation using machinery

c) to diminish or cause to diminish in size, number, strength, etc.

d) sufficiently low in price or high in quality to be successful against commercial rivals

Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future forms.

Consumers 1) _________ (control) continually the brand. This 2) _________ (require) marketers conducting more activities that illustrate value and allow clients to become marketing avatars. With the higher costs of advertising and the noise marketers 3) _____________ (force) to using the complete cadre of IMC processes to create enough messages for visibility and community.

Drew Stevens Ph.D.

Marketing teams 4) ____________ (look) to identify and analyse the gaps between customers’ experiences of a company and their expectations. By focusing investment on addressing these gaps and on measuring improvement, marketing 5) ___________ (demonstrate) better return on investment.

Cross-department and channel collaboration 6) _________ (become) more prevalent as marketing coordinates its research, analysis, activities and reporting with other parts of the business.

Alexis Kingsbury, Global Marketing Director

Task 3. Put the words from the table in the gaps. You should use each word only once.

approaches,services, print,range, publishing,process,professionals


Xlibris is a 1. ________ book company created by authors, for authors. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists, and on how 2) _______ on demand technology and new 3) ___________ can be applied in the publishing industry, we provide authors publishing 4) _________ to help them get published.

Whether you are writing a book, promoting your work, or searching for online publishing services or a self-publisher to publish your book, Xlibris' comprehensive 5) __________ of publishing, editorial, add-on and marketing services enable you to customize your self-publishing experience. Our proficient team of publishing 6) ____________ are available every step of the way to guide you through the self-publishing 7)_________.


Task 4. You work for “Cosmopolitan” magazine and you were given the task to find out what consumers think, feel and do about the magazine you work for in order to identify sources of the brand equity, and to uncover any problem areas. Your task is to create a questionnaire to find out what consumers think, feel and do about the magazine you work for. You should also think about the form of the questionnaire delivery: distribution, mailing, e-mailing.


Task 5. Project work. A friend of yours is opening a new publishing company and asks you to help him/her to work out the distribution scheme. Your task is to work out the distribution scheme for him and explain it. Write this distribution scheme and the description for it.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 426. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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