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Complete the article below with missing expressions from the box.

Internet Promotion – Advantages and Disadvantages

highest return on; costly infrastructure and overwhelming marketing; pay per click inclusions; marketing channels and logistics; frustrating and costly venture; hassle free; reduced budget; minimising the disadvantages; visibility


To most small business entrepreneurs, marketing or promoting their products or services via the Internet can be a daunting task. However, with adequate information small businesses can benefit significantly from Internet Promotion while 1)………….. that it presents. In fact, it may prove to be the marketing strategy that generates the 2) …………… investment.

The Internet has become the information superhighway for the buying public. Most persons prefer the 3) ………. transactions that Internet shopping can offer. As a result, the Internet has become the most powerful selling tool. Internet Promotion offers cost effective ways for small businesses to enhance their product or service distribution networks. For example, the use of portals can help create new 4) …………, or provide better or faster product access for customers.

In comparison to other forms of marketing, Internet Promotion presents the advantage of 5) ………………. and storage costs, when compared with printing brochures, producing television or radio advertisements or managing a call centre.

Websites act as virtual storefronts, allowing businesses to stay open 24/7. Internet Promotion gives a business greater 6)……………, thereby creating more opportunities for increasing its customers at relatively low cost. Never before has it been easier for an upstart business to be able to reach out to literally millions of potential customers and to position themselves for success, without the need for 7) ………………. costs.

Small business may not have the resources to pay for paid directory inclusion, 8) ……………….. and often have to rely solely on search engine optimisation or word of mouth to drive traffic to their sites. With millions of businesses selling the same product and services, competing with more established businesses can be 9) …………… for small business.

Another disadvantage of promotion via the Internet is that the customers and businesspersons are 10) …………... There is little personal contact between customer and salesperson prior to and after the sales is closed. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may thus be diminished. Entrepreneurs are therefore compelled to adopt marketing strategies to drive online users back to their site.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 408. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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