Студопедия — End the call
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End the call

I’m sorry again for any inconvenience this has caused.

If you have any more problems, please let me know.


Vocabulary skills.

A. Read the dialogues aloud. Do it by yourself or with a colleague (changing roles at the end). Practise several times until you’re fluent.

A customer (C) call a supplier (S) to make a complaint.


C: I’m calling in connection with my order, reference number LN0064.

S: Thank you. Please wait one moment while I bring your details up on the screen.

5 … OK. For security purposes, can you confirm your name and the company name


C: Yes, it’s Mr. Chen from Zed Technika.

S: That’s fine. How can I help you today?

10 C: I have a complaint. We received the order this morning but you only shipped 80

pieces. The order was for 100 pieces.

S: I’m sorry to hear that. Can you leave it with me? I’ll look into it and get back to you this afternoon.

15 C: No, I’m sorry, that isn’t good enough. We need those items urgently. I want you

to authorize the shipping of the missing 20 pieces ant then send them today.

S: I understand how you feel. But I do need to check at this end and see what’s

going on. I’ll call you back within an hour, and of course we can send the pieces

20 again if necessary.

C: What do you mean “if necessary”? Can I have your name please?

S: Yes, of course, it’s Sandra Lewis.

25 C: OK, Sandra, I expect your call by twelve o’clock at the latest. Goodbye.


· Notice how the customer waits until the supplier has all the order details on the screen before beginning the complaint.

· Notice at line 9 how the customer states the complaint very simply and clearly.

· At line 14 the customer insists on action. The supplier shows understanding at line 17 but resists the pressure.

· At line 18 the supplier promises action with “I’ll”.

· At line 21 the customer shows signs of anger. This is not good. However, getting the name of each employee you deal with is a very powerful tool.



In next dialogue Sandra returns the customer’s call.


S: Oh hello, is that Mr. Chen?

C: Speaking.

S: This is Sandra Lewis here, from Shiro Semiconductors, calling you back about the missing pieces.

5 C: Oh yes.

S: I do apologize once more, Mr.Chen, but I have good news for you. I’ve had a

word with the warehouse and it seems they sent a partial order – they only had 80

10 pieces in stock. However they do now have more pieces. I’ll make sure that the

missing items are sent to you this afternoon by special delivery.

C: OK.

S: I’m sorry again for any inconvenience this has caused.

C: OK, it’s sorted out now. Thank you for your help.

15 S: Is there anything else?

C: No, that’s all. Goodbye.


· At line 10 Sandra promised action with “I’ll”.

· At line 13 Sandra apologize again in a full and formal way.

· At line 14 the customer remembers to thank Sandra, even though he is probably not very happy. He needs to keep a good relationship with Sandra for future occasions.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 672. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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