Студопедия — Lead-in. 35 Learning is innate in human nature
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Lead-in. 35 Learning is innate in human nature

35 Learning is innate in human nature. The idea of education is ingrained in people’s minds although the reasons why people will want knowledge vary. Consider the motivations listed below. Which of them would you rate as two most important and two least important for yourself? Explain your priorities.

q become more useful to your community and country; q fulfil yourself as a person; q enter the beau-monde; q equip yourself to fight for a place under the sun; q gain freedom and independence; q match and excel in qualifications; q help to find identity; q understand the surrounding world; q add to life enjoyment and diversions; q enable to cope with the pace of change; q boost self-confidence and self-esteem; q find a new social life; q escape real-life problems; q satisfy curiosity.

36 Listen to four stories of people who, at a certain age, started to be discontented with their knowledge and decided to study again. As a matter of fact, all of them had problems to overcome, but the efforts paid off. In the course of listening label the items in "The Challenges" and "The Rewards" with digits 1 through 4 according to who found themselves in which situation.

The Challenges The Rewards
disliked to leave the children alone at home; rugby competitions and running own sports café; had nothing in the CV to impress the employers with; was made redundant; terrified of trying anything new; worked part-time around family responsibilities; was likely to stagnate in the daily routine; lost all motivation and self-confidence; juggled studies with looking after children; increased confidence; became no longer daunted by numbers; studied in their own time and pace; can balance study with rugby commitments; improved social skills; found sites related to the favourite programme; found a new job; enjoyable social time; e-mail correspondence with siblings; awareness of a lot of new things; better at writing and researching information; mastery of every qualification in word processing.

37 Have you considered any further education after you successfully complete the 5-year university course, like doing the postgraduate course, doctorate, signing up for miscellaneous evening or correspondence courses or taking a degree in another specialist area? If so, share your reasons and expectations.

e.g. I will certainly continue studying to be competitive in the job.
so that I can/will apply for better positions.
with a view to/the aim of being competitive.
for getting a better view of the industry where I work.
in case I'm offered a better job.
so as not/in order not to be fired one day.
for fear I might/should stagnate.
for fear of losing the job.
to prevent myself from stagnation.
to avoid becoming backward.

Make your answers more coherent with the linking devices from the chart in Part 2 of this Unit.


Add varied sentence patterns through the use of Clauses of Purpose below:



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