Студопедия — Documentation
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Properly (35) ______________ (filling in / filled in) and (36) __________ (signing / signed) Entry-form for each film, (37) _____________ (confirming / confirmed) the participation in the MIFF, should arrive before Deadline.

Entry-form must (38) ___________ (to accompany) by the following documentation:

§ The dialogue list in the original language and in one of the (39) ________ (following / followed) languages: Russian, English;

§ The list of subtitles in English;

§ Synopsis, press and promotional materials;

§ Excerpts from the film and trailers on BETACAM SP or DVD;

§ Materials for the festival catalogue, (40) ___________ (including / included) a detailed biography and filmography of the director, the director’s photo as well as slides from the film.



Transportation and insurance of prints

The General Management of the MIFF will assume all costs (41) _______________ (connecting / connected) with the transportation of film prints (42) ________________ (selecting / selected for Competition programmes to the Festival and back (AIRPORT of sender-Moscow-AIRPORT of recipient).

The General Management of the MIFF will assume all costs (43) ________________ (connecting / connected) with the transportation of the film prints of other Festival sections from Moscow to AIRPORT of recipient.

The General Management of the MIFF will cover all the expenses (44) _______________ (connecting / connected) with the storage and insurance of the films during the Festival.



The Grand Jury will award the following prizes – Statuettes of St George:

– Main prize (45) _____________ (awarding / awarded) for the Best Film (goes to the producer);

– Special Jury prize (46) _____________ (awarding / awarded) in accordance with the Jury’s decision;

– Prize (47) _______________ (giving / given) to the Best Director;

– Prize (48) _______________ (giving / given) to the Best Actor;

– Prize (49) _______________(giving / given) to the Best Actress.

The Grand Jury will also award the Prize for the best Short Film.

The Jury of the Documentary Competition will award the Prize for the best film.


The (50) ___________(Organizing / Organized) Committee and Festival General Management of the MIFF award the (51) ____________ (following / followed) prizes:

– Special Prize for an (52) __________ (outstanding / outstood) contribution to the world cinema;

– Special prize «I Believe. K.Stanislavsky» for the (53) ______________ (outstanding / outstood) achievement in the (54) _______________ (acting / acted) career, and devotion to the principles of K. Stanislavsky’s school.


The following prizes (55) ____________ (to give) by the Festival:

– Prize of the International film critics’ jury (FIPRESCI Jury) (56) _________(awarding/awarded) for the best film in the Main Competition (goes to the director);

– Prize of the Russian film critics’ jury for the best film in the Main Competition (goes to director);

– The Audience Award for the best film in the Main Competition (57) _______________ (following / followed) the audience polls results (goes to the director);

– Prize of the Russian Film Clubs Federation for the best film in the Main Competition (goes to the director).

It (58) __________ (to expect) that the winners will personally attend the Award Ceremonies.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 414. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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