Студопедия — Netiquette
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59. Read the Web page about Netiquette. Write the headings (a-d) above the correct paragraphs (1-4).

a. Rules for talking online □

b. Invading privacy □

c. The Golden and Netiquette □

d. Culture and Netiquette □


Online Netiquette


People in the West usually shake hands when they first meet. Good friends in the Middle Eastern cultures kiss each other three times on the cheeks. The Japanese bow their heads to show respect and the Thais bring their hands together in front of their face. The online community, too, has its own culture and customs. Good Internet behaviour is called Netiquette.


The Internet is an international means of communication where you can talk to people online. Asking questions is fun but making jokes about people from other cultures can lead to misunderstanding and bad feelings. Sending hurtful or insulting messages, or flames, to people is bad behaviour. Bad language is not cool. Everyone is happy when people are friendly.


Netiquette includes more than good spelling and grammar. Typing in all upper case is bad as it is the same as SHOUTING. Not starting your sentences with capital letters is lazy. Sending e-mails with ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank you’ is nice. The Golden Rule is ‘Treat others in the same way that you like to be treated’. Remember, real people read what you type!


It is also bad Netiquette to send people spam. This kind of unsolicited e-mail means people have to cancel something that they did not ask for in the first place. When you use Cc (carbon copy): instead of Bcc (blind carbon copy): you send other people’s e-mail addresses without their permission. This is an invasion of their privacy and breaks the Golden Rule.


60. Make questions from the text for these answers.


When they meet someone for the first time.


To show respect.




Real people.


It sends an e-mail address when you haven’t asked the owner.


61. Tick (+) the things which are good netiquette and put a cross (X) by those that are bad netiquette.

1. correct spelling

2. using Bcc: instead of Cc:

3. sending e-mail that people do not want

4. greeting someone in an e-mail

5. making jokes about people’s culture

6. typing in capital letters

7. flaming people


62. Complete the sentences (1-5) with the words from the box.

Customs, means, unsolicited, instead of, invasion.

1. Telephones and postal services are both_______ of communication.

2. Different cultures usually have very different_______.

3. Please don’t copy my e-mail to other people. It’s an_______of my privacy.

4. Try asking interesting questions_______trying to think of funny thing to say.

5. People on the Internet are always complaining about_______e-mail.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2418. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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