Студопедия — FOOD STUFFS
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Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words


Producing a large enough quantity of food to feed the world's population is one of a number of complex and interrelated agricultural, economic and environmental food problems. The good news is that thanks to improved agricultural technologies, practices, policies, and trade, world food production increased by 140% between 1950 and 2000 and kept ahead of the rate of population on all continents except Africa. As a result, average per capita food production increased by more than 25%.

Foods can be classified into breads and cereals; pulses; tubers; vegetables and fruits; meat, fish, eggs; milk and milk products; fats and oils; and sugars, preserves, and syrups.

There are 80 000 edible species of plants, but only about 30 types of crops feed the world. Four crops - wheat, rice, corn and potato - make up more of the world's total food production than all others combined.

Breads and cereals include wheat, rice, corn, and millet. They are high in starches.

Pulses include a wide variety of beans, peas, lentils, grains, peanuts. Tubers include various kinds of potato. They are rich in starch and low in protein, but provide a variety of minerals and vitamins.

Vegetables and fruits are a direct source of many minerals and vitamins, especially vitamins C, A. Sodium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus are present in vegetables and fruits.

The common vegetables are: cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, French beans, dill, parsley, etc.

The common fruits are: apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc.

The world's food also includes fish, meat, meat products. Almost all the meat comes from just nine groups of livestock: cattle, sheep, swine, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, goats, and water buffalo. All meats contain fats, proteins, water, salts, carbohydrates, pigments. Vitamin A is found in fat meats. Liver and kidneys are also rich in vitamin A and folic acid, iron and B-vitamins.

Today consumption of poultry is growing throughout the whole world. This is partly because poultry meat tends to be inexpensive compared with other kinds of meat, and partly because people are more aware of the danger of cholesterol and concerned by the health problems and ecological damage found to be associated with the consumption of red meat.

Milk and milk products include whole milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt, ice cream, all of which are well known for their abundant protein, phosphorus, and especially calcium.

Fats and oils include butter, lard, vegetable oils. They are all high in calories.

Sugars, preserves, and syrups are heavily consumed in more affluent countries, where they make up a large portion of the carbohydrate intake.


Task 2. Translate the following words

quantity, interrelated, environmental, cereals, preserve, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, cauliflower, pear, carbohydrates, protein, kidneys, consumption, poultry, cholesterol, damage, syrups, consume.



Task 3. Suggest the Ukrainian for thefollowing words and word, combinations from the text

economic and environmental food problems

world food production

rate of population

average tubers

fats and oils

edible species of plants

peanuts peas

magnesium manganese

cauliflower carrots

french beans dill

parsley apricots

livestock cattle

sheep turkeys

geesefolic acid

tends to be inexpensive compared with other kinds of meat

tobe associated with the consumption of red meat

whole milklard

they are high in calories

are heavily consumed in affluent countries


Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations

досить велика кількість продуктів

вдосконалені сільськогосподарські технології


збільшилось на...

виробництво на душу населення

харчові продукти поділяються на...

консерви сиропи

хлібний злак

бути багатим на...

джерело багатьох мінеральних речовин

буряки цибуля

груші сливи

качки гуси

містити вуглеводи

споживання домашньої птиці

люди розуміють небезпеку холестерину

добре відомі великою кількістю протеїну

споживання вуглеводів


Task 5. Find in the text the words and phrases which have the following meanings

to give food to -

enlarged part of an underground stem, egg. a potato -

liquid which does not mix with water, obtained from animals or plants -

fit to be eaten -

farm animals kept for use or profit -

harm or injury that causes loss of value -

body-building substance essential to good health, in such foods as milk, eggs, meat,

fish -


Task 6. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they are false, give the correct statement

1. Producing a large enough quantity of food to feed theworld's population is an agricultural problem………………………..

2. Foods can be classified into several groups, the most important of them are breads and cereals, vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, milk……………………………..

3. 80 000 edible species of plants feed the world……………………………….

4. The most important crops in the world are wheat, rice, cabbage and beets…………….

5. Vegetables and fruits are rich in different minerals, vitamins, sodium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus……………………………

6. Today consumption of beef, pork is growing throughout theworld, because these kinds of meat are inexpensive…………………………


Task 7. Whichof these words do you associate with food? Put words referred to the food in one column and to non-food in another one

tasty, pepper, sugar, healthy, milk, bean, crop, grow, produce, warm, cold, expensive, short, cheap, drink, savoury, sweet, bitter, solid, liquid, fresh, new, domestic, contain, cereal, fish, spices, lard, French beans, iron, calcium, vitamins, pock, mutton, bake, bank, open, word, goose, berries, flower.



Task 8. Look through the text again and answer the following questions

1. Why is producing a large quantity of food a complex problem in the world?

2. How did world food production increase between 1950 and 2000?

3. What can you say about average per capita food production at that time?

4. How can foods be classified?

5. How many edible species of plants are there in the world?

6. What do breads and cereals include?

7. Are tubers rich in starch or protein?

8. What kinds of vegetables (fruits) do you know?

9. What kinds of meat do people eat?

10. Does meat contain carbohydrates?

11. Why do we value liver, kidneys?

12. What does milk contain?




Task 9. Translate into English

1. У світі існує багато видів продуктових товарів.

2. Їх можна розділити на хлібні злаки, бобові, овочі, фрукти, м'ясо, рибу, молоко, жири.

3. Овочі та фрукти є безпосереднім джерелом багатьох мінеральних речовин та вітамінів.

4. Ми отримуємо м'ясо з великої рогатої худоби, овець, свиней, курей, качок, індиків, гусей.

5. М'ясо містить жири, білки, воду, солі, вуглеводи. Печінка й нирки багаті на вітаміни А, залізо та фолієву кислоту.

6. Зараз споживання домашньої птиці зростає з кожним днем.

7. Молоко та молочні продукти мають велику харчову цінність, оскільки містять багато білків, фосфору, кальцію.


Task 10. Complete the crossword


Across Down
2) Found in rivers and seas 3) Sweetens food 5) Potatoes, carrots, for example 7) Made from fruit and sugar 9) Eaten for breakfast 11) Source of proteins, red or white 1) You can spread it on bread 2) Often grows on trees 4) Popular in Italy 6) Needed for sandwiches 8) Babies drink a lot of this 10) Eaten a lot in Asia



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