Студопедия — Answer the following questions
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Answer the following questions

1. What two types are input devices divided into?

2. What input devices are considered to be cursor control input devices?

3. What optical input devices do you know?

4. A digital camera takes pictures of an object, doesn’t it?

5. What is a joystick particularly good for?

6. What is a barcode reader used for?


Match each word from column A (1-30) with its partner from column B (a-dd) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 5-6

1 system analysis   a) A list of options displayed on a computer screen
2 binary b) to put data into a system
3 touchpad     c) an input device for taking pictures that has an electronic lens and uses electronics for storing the images rather than chemical film
4 analogue-to-digital converter     d) a cursor control input device with an upright arm. It is commonly used for controlling fast moving objects in computer games.
5 webpage e) an electronic semiconductor camera device
6 charge-coupled device f) a cursor control input device that senses the movement of a finger across a flat surface
7 LCD(liquid crystal display)   g) beloning to the number system that has only two digits, i.e.1 and 0
8 package     h) an electronic card that converts analogue sound signals into binary code to enable the computer to identify spoken words
9 programmer     i) an input device consisting of a flat, pressure-sensitive pad that the user draws on or points at with a special stylus, to guide a pointer displayed on the screen
10 download   j) an optical input device that uses the reflection of light to copy text or graphics into a computer
11 solid state memory     k) the study or use of systems (esp. computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information
12 optical character recognition l) a cursor control input device that has a ball on top that is moved by the user’s fingers
13 graphics tablet m) an input device used for sound
14 Information technology     n) The electronic circuit board inside a computer that is used to connect the computer to a network
15 joystick     o) A piece of equipment used for entering data or controlling a computer
16 scanner     p) a display device that allows a user to interact with a computer by touching areas on the screen
17 touchscreen q) a process that enables the computer to scan and recognize printed characters using the reflection of light
18 trackerball r) to copy a file from a server to a client computer in a network
19 microphone   s) electronic memory made from electronic chips
20 digital camera t) a combination of a number of computers and peripheral devices connected together
21 input device   u) the programs and data used in a computer
22 export     v) a multipurpose methodology providing analysis of complex problems as well as their alternatives. Primarily it was created for solving military missions
23 input   w) a device for changing analogue signals into digital signals
24 database   x) a hyperlinked page in a web network system
25 menu     y) an electronic display device that uses liquid crystal cells to control the reflection of light
26 MSDOS     z) to bring data out of a program in a form suitable for use by another program
27 network     aa) an application program or collection of programs that can be used in different ways
28 NIC (network interface card) bb) a person who writes computer programs
29 software     cc) a type of application program used for storing information so that it can be easily searched and stored
30 speech recognition board   dd) trademark, abbreviation for Microsoft disk operating system


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