Студопедия — Topics & Questions for Study and Discussion. Note: Items listed below are coded for either individual (I) work, group/pair (G) work, or whole-class (C) discussion
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Topics & Questions for Study and Discussion. Note: Items listed below are coded for either individual (I) work, group/pair (G) work, or whole-class (C) discussion

Note: Items listed below are coded for either individual (I) work, group/pair (G) work, or whole-class (C) discussion, as suggestions to the instructor on how to incorporate the topics and (Q) questions into a class session.

1. (G/C) Each group or pair should be assigned one of the seven common arguments cited by Stern (1970) that were used to justify analogies between first language learning and second language teaching. In the group, determine what is assumed or presupposed in the statement. Then reiterate the flaw in each analogy. Report conclu­sions back to the whole class for further discussion.

2. (Q) Are there students in the class who were exposed to, or learned, second languages before puberty? What were the circumstances, and what difficulties, if any, were encountered? Has authentic pronuncia­tion in the language remained to this day?

3. (C) Is there anyone in the class, or anyone who knows someone else, who started learning a second language after puberty and who never­theless has an almost "perfect" accent? How did you assess whether accent was perfect? Why do you suppose such a person was able to be so successful?

4. (I) In your words, write down the essence of Scovel's claim that the acquisition of a native accent around the age of puberty is an evolu­tionary left-over of sociobiological critical periods evident in many species of animals and birds. In view of widely accepted cross-cul­tural, cross-linguistic, and interracial marriages today, how relevant is the biological claim for mating within the gene pool?

5. (G/C) In groups, try to determine the criteria for deciding whether or not someone is an authentic native speaker of your native language. In the process, consider the wide variety of "World Englishes" commonly spoken today. How clearly definitive can your criteria be? Talk about occupations, if any, in which a native accent is indispensable. Share with the rest of the class, and try to come to a consensus.

6. (G) In groups, talk about any cognitive or affective blocks you have experienced in your own attempts to learn a second language. What could you do (or what could you have done) to overcome those barriers?

7. (C) Do you think it is worthwhile to teach children a second language in the classroom? If so, how might approaches and methods differ between a class of children and a class of adults?

8. (I/C) Find out all definitions of “linguistic abilities”. Classify them and work out your own understanding of this notion. Share with the rest of the class


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