Студопедия — C. brush discharge;
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

C. brush discharge;

D. aeroionotherapy;

E. electrosurgery.

5. Therapeutic contour in the UHF-apparatus is used for:

A. enhancement of biopotentials;

B. providing the safety of patients;

C. generation of electromagnetic oscillations;

D. measuring of the potential difference between two points on body surface.

6. Are required at the influence of electric current to the organism:

А. sensors;

B. isolated electrodes;

C. contact applying of the electrodes to the human body;

D. place a patient between electrodes in a particular distance;

E. therapeutic contour.

7. Are required at the influence of electric and magnetic field to an organism:

А. sensors;

B. isolated electrodes;

C. contact applying of the electrodes to the human body;

D. place a patient between electrodes in a particular distance;

E. therapeutic contour.

8. Specify the electromagnetic oscillations of UHF:

А. 300-2375 MHz;

B. 30-300 MHz;

C. 20 Hz –20 kHz;

D. 1-10 MHz;

E. 100 Hz – 500 kHz.

9. Method of the medicament introduction to an organism using the direct current without injection is


А. electrocoagulation;

B. electrophoresis;

C. electrostimulation;

D. inductothermy;

E. darsonvalization.

10. At the passing of high-frequency current along the tissues of an oraganism Joule heat is released.

This method is called:

А. galvanization;

B. darsonvalization;

C. diathermy;

D. inductothermy;

E. UHF-therapy.

11. Influence of weak high-frequency electric discharge through the skin and available mucosas is called:

А. galvanization;

B. darsonvalization;

C. diathermy;

D. inductothermy;

E. UHF-therapy.

12. Irritating actions of electric signals to the human organism depend on the:

А. psychological state;

B. exercise stress;

C. humidity of skin;

D. duration and amplitude of electric impulses;

E. form and area of electrodes.

13. Impacts to a patient at UHF-therapy:

А. alternating electric field;

B. alternating magnetic field;

C. direct electric current;

D. alternating electric current.

14. At darsonvalization electric charge that arises between an electrode and skin influences to the:

А. nerve ending receptors;

B. sensory organs;

C. mucosas;

D. metabolism;

E. muscles.

15. UHF-apparatus is:

А. enhancer of the signal with registering device;

B. push-pull oscillator of electric oscillations with therapeutic contour;

C. rectifier of alternating current with electrodes;

D. generator of direct current with electrodes;

E. generator of impulse signals.

16. At the action of direct current to the human organism it is prohibited to apply the metal electrodes directly to the skin because they have:

А. frostbite effect;

B. burns action;

C. the current extremely increases;

D. increases the probability of damaging with the current;

E. electrical capacitance extremely increases.

17. What phenomena do underlie of the primary action of direct current to the tissues of an organism?

B. dispersive;

C. magnetic;

D. paramagnetic;

E. electromagnetic.

18. Method of the medicament introduction to an organism using the direct current without injection is


А. electrocoagulation;

B. electrophoresis;

C. electrostimulation;

D. inductothermy;

E. darsonvalization.

19. What causes the primary action of direct current to the tissues of an organism?

А. displacement current;

B. moving of charged particles that are therein;

C. irritating effect;

D. ionization of molecules;

E. heating process.


20. What is used on the base of galvanization apparatus?

А. generator of direct current;

B. generator of alternating current;

C. generator of impulse current;

D. rectifier of alternating current;

E. generator of electric oscillations.

Theme №10: Methods of the studying of blood circulation. Integral and regional rheography.

Purpose of the lesson:To find out methods of the blood circulation research that are used in medicine.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 480. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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