Студопедия — Expression tree types
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Expression tree types

Expression trees permit lambda expressions to be represented as data structures instead of executable code. Expression trees are values of expression tree types of the form System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<D>, where D is any delegate type. For the remainder of this specification we will refer to these types using the shorthand Expression<D>.

If a conversion exists from a lambda expression to a delegate type D, a conversion also exists to the expression tree type Expression<D>. Whereas the conversion of a lambda expression to a delegate type generates a delegate that references executable code for the lambda expression, conversion to an expression tree type creates an expression tree representation of the lambda expression.

Expression trees are efficient in-memory data representations of lambda expressionsand make the structure of the lambda expressiontransparent and explicit.

Just like a delegate type D, Expression<D> is said to have parameter and return types, which are the same as those of D.

The following example represents a lambda expressionboth as executable code and as an expression tree. Because a conversion exists to Func<int,int>, a conversion also exists to Expression<Func<int,int>>:

Func<int,int> del = x => x + 1; // Code

Expression<Func<int,int>> exp = x => x + 1; // Data

Following these assignments, the delegate del references a method that returns x + 1, and the expression tree exp references a data structure that describes the expression x => x + 1.

The exact definition of the generic type Expression<D> as well as the precise rules for constructing an expression tree when a lambda expressionis converted to an expression tree type, are both outside the scope of this specification.

Two things are important to make explicit:

  • Not all lambda expressionscan be converted to expression trees. For instance, lambda expressionswith statement bodies, and lambda expressionscontaining assignment expressions cannot be represented. In these cases, a conversion still exists, but will fail at compile-time. These exceptions are detailed in §6.5.
  • Expression<D> offers an instance method Compile which produces a delegate of type D:

Func<int,int> del2 = exp.Compile();

Invoking this delegate causes the code represented by the expression tree to be executed. Thus, given the definitions above, del and del2 are equivalent, and the following two statements will have the same effect:

int i1 = del(1);

int i2 = del2(1);

After executing this code, i1 and i2 will both have the value 2.

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