Студопедия — User-defined explicit conversions
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User-defined explicit conversions

A user-defined explicit conversion from type S to type T is processed as follows:

· Determine the types S0 and T0. If S or T are nullable types, S0 and T0 are their underlying types, otherwise S0 and T0 are equal to S and T respectively.

· Find the set of types, D, from which user-defined conversion operators will be considered. This set consists of S0 (if S0 is a class or struct), the base classes of S0 (if S0 is a class), T0 (if T0 is a class or struct), and the base classes of T0 (if T0 is a class).

· Find the set of applicable user-defined and lifted conversion operators, U. This set consists of the user-defined and lifted implicit or explicit conversion operators declared by the classes or structs in D that convert from a type encompassing or encompassed by S to a type encompassing or encompassed by T. If U is empty, the conversion is undefined and a compile-time error occurs.

· Find the most specific source type, SX, of the operators in U:

o If any of the operators in U convert from S, then SX is S.

o Otherwise, if any of the operators in U convert from types that encompass S, then SX is the most encompassed type in the combined set of source types of those operators. If no most encompassed type can be found, then the conversion is ambiguous and a compile-time error occurs.

o Otherwise, SX is the most encompassing type in the combined set of source types of the operators in U. If exactly one most encompassing type cannot be found, then the conversion is ambiguous and a compile-time error occurs.

· Find the most specific target type, TX, of the operators in U:

o If any of the operators in U convert to T, then TX is T.

o Otherwise, if any of the operators in U convert to types that are encompassed by T, then TX is the most encompassing type in the combined set of target types of those operators. If exactly one most encompassing type cannot be found, then the conversion is ambiguous and a compile-time error occurs.

o Otherwise, TX is the most encompassed type in the combined set of target types of the operators in U. If no most encompassed type can be found, then the conversion is ambiguous and a compile-time error occurs.

· Find the most specific conversion operator:

o If U contains exactly one user-defined conversion operator that converts from SX to TX, then this is the most specific conversion operator.

o Otherwise, if U contains exactly one lifted conversion operator that converts from SX to TX, then this is the most specific conversion operator.

o Otherwise, the conversion is ambiguous and a compile-time error occurs.

· Finally, apply the conversion:

o If S is not SX, then a standard explicit conversion from S to SX is performed.

o The most specific user-defined conversion operator is invoked to convert from SX to TX.

o If TX is not T, then a standard explicit conversion from TX to T is performed.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 421. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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