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Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words in bold type.

1. Mr Winkle had already made considerable progress in her good opinion. 2.«Would you work for four and a half a week?» Carrie was too worn by defeat not to feel that it was considerable. 3. Women, of whom he had known few, were to him worthy of considerable respect. 4. Since the airport was already limited in its available runways, the loss in efficiency was considerable. 5. «Well, Sir,’ said Mr Pickwick, with considerable pain depicted in his countenance, «you will permit me to assure you that I am a most unfortunate man, so far as this case is concerned.» 6. The judges, barristers and attorneys had gathered together to pay their last respects to Bosman, described by the Judge-President as «a young man who had already shown considerable ability and who would doubtless have risen high in the profession.» 7.My vision had travelled to the mantelpiece on which stood a considerable number of small silver cups, when Miss Greville came back. 8. One cannot avoid the impression that phrases of the type «around the corner» have been current in provincial English for some considerable time now. 9. A purse on th dressing-table, with a considerable sum of money in it, had not been touched. 10. Selfish, egotistical though he was, he had been a considerate husband. He had moments of adorable tenderness and charm. 11. We had only to turn on the water to wash the blood away; he had been as considerate as possible. 12. He (Walter) was extremely considerate; he was very attentive to her comfort; she never expressed the slightest wish without his hastening to gratify it. When she happened to feel ill no one could have been kinder or more thoughtful. 13. «You’re very considerate, Tony,» she said with gentle irony. 14. Arthur Mc Henry, salt of the earth as usual and as usual considerate of the other man’s time, had mercifully concise explanations of all the papers that were to be signed on this trip. 15. «Oh, there is some good about me?» «Why yes, I even told your son that you were generous, considerate, gentle.» 16. Nothing can be more inconsiderate to a man of Doctor Magiot’s profession than a telephone.



Considerable adj. Worthy of consideration; important, notable; (of immaterial things) much, a good deal of, e.g. a ~ distance; ~ pains; a ~ personage; a ~ citizen.

Derivative: considerably adv.

Considerate adj. Thoughtful; showing a thoughtful or sympathetic regard for the feelings or circumstances of others, as in sparing them pain, distress, or discomfort, e.g. It was ~ of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.

Antonym: inconsiderate adj.

The adjectives considerable and considerate are sometimes confused by Russian learners because of their likeness, although the use of different adjective-forming suffixes makes their meanings quite distinct. The Russian equivalents of these words have nothing in common: considerable значительный, большой; considerate внимательный, тактичный, заботливый.

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