Студопедия — Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.
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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. To work hard. 2. To earn money hard. 3. To try hard to succeed. 4. Hardly aware of. 5. A hard-working person. 6. To boil an egg hard. 7. To hit hard. 8. I can hardly believe it. 9. He hardly knows her. 10. To freeze hard. 11. I can hardly wait. 12. She could hardly speak. 13. Hardly knowing. 14. It is hardly possible. 15. They hardly noticed it. 16. He would hardly agree. 17. Hardly ever. 18. Hardly... when.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What makes you think you are working hard enough to improve your knowledge of English? 2. What can one do to achieve better results in one’s work? 3. Do you often go to the Zoo? How about the rest of the family? 4. Why do you look so tired? 5. Do you like hard-boiled eggs? Why not? 6. How well does your brother know London? 7. How old is your sister? 8. Why do you want me to go to the shop right away? 9. Do you think this answer is correct?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. Very seldom. 2. To work strenuously. 3. To look intently. 4. I see very little of her. 5. To study diligently and persistently. 6. He is barely 17. 7. I don’t know her well. 8. To treat somebody severely. 9. To hit somebody with all one’s force. 10. To rain heavily.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. I worked very..., though Mrs Darcy was still not satisfied. 2. Indeed Isabel... moved,... turned, as Maggie came into the room, carrying a tray. 3. For a moment I was... aware of Levkin. 4. She certainly worked..., grew thin and white and was all eyes. 5. Pat crossed the road at a run and almost cannoned into his brother. He took the rifle lightly out of his hand and struck Cathal... across the side of the face. 6.... knowing what I did, I stepped forward and took hold of her arm. I must have gripped her... than I intended, for she winced and gave a little cry, jerking away from me. 7.After that, Jane... saw Daniel. 8. And the Independents tried... to swallow the wretched subterfuge. 9. Your brother would... agree with this judgment. 10. They sat on their suitcases in the corridor,... talking. 11. She could... believe her ears when he (Charlie) told her, more clearly than with words, that he cared nothing for her. 12. Andrew dropped his eyes, sympathizing, yet... knowing what to say. 13. Mrs. Smith said, «You can... expect much encouragement from Mr Brown. He is not one of us.» 14. She was no longer very young; but there was... a line on that lovely brow, scarcely a crow’s foot round those liquid eyes to betray the fact. 15. «I... knew her» was all I could say in my stupefaction. 16.... as he strove with his body, he strove equally... with his mind. 17. «No hope?» «She can... survive another attack.» 18. He could... sleep at night. 19. Think... now, before you answer. 20. She can’t have suffered much, can she? She:.. knew. 21. I’d lost the great talent I once had through years of easy repetition, never learning a new part, never really working.... 22. For weeks, he... worked, because whenever he paused to ponder some abstract problem a vision of her interposed on his mind. 23. He thought.... Suddenly his eye brightened. 24. They work... for poor wages.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. I hope you’re going to work very... 2. What you say is... 3. The sight was so funny that I could... 4. «Do you know her well?» «Oh, no...» 5. He was nothing but skin and bone, and he could... 6. «What are your impressions?»— «I...» 7. She had tried, and tried very... 8. This time the man kicked the boy... 9. «Does your mother ever go out on Sundays?» —... 10. What he says sounds dreadful. I can...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. You mustn’t take it too hard. 2. Then it suddenly began to rain extremely hard. Everyone started to run. 3. I hardly spoke all the way home. 4. I looked at my watch and could hardly believe my eyes. 5. He had been upright and honest and determined, had worked hard and asked no favour. And he had succeeded. 6. I hardly know her by sight. 7.She hoped I had been working hard. 8. But I want to know more about my father. I hardly remember him. 9. The people died so fast that it was hardly possible to bury them. 10. She could hardly be in any more danger than she is now! 11. I can hardly face it. 12. Her lips trembled so that she could hardly frame the words. 13. And what you say is hardly true. 14. Kitty could hardly find her voice.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of verbs that go with the abverb hard;use some of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Едва началась лекция, как раздался стук в дверь. 2. Она упорно занималась, чтобы успешно сдать экзамены. 3. Она говорила еле слышным голосом. 4. Тот, кто упорно работает, обязательно добивается ощутимых результатов. 5. Она очень старательная студентка. 6. Было очень тяжело проходить по 20 километров в день в такую жару. 7. Старик был так слаб, что едва передвигал ноги. 8. Мне никогда не приходилось работать так напряженно, как в год окончания школы. 9. Они почти никогда не ходят в филармонию. 10. Многие в капиталистических странах зарабатывают на жизнь тяжелым трудом. 11. Женщина не сводила глаз с соседки. 12. Лучше останься дома. Льет сильный дождь. 13. Вы полагаете, что работаете достаточно много, чтобы закончить работу вовремя? 14. Я еле понимал его. 15. Он очень старался не сделать ни единой ошибки.

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