Студопедия — Politics/policy
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Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words in bold type.

1. He saw her as merely playing at politics, enjoying the excitement and the secrecy and the spice of danger. 2. Perhaps her mind leapt to politics — she was far more politically conscious than her husband.3. Mr Kelada was chatty. He discussed plays, pictures, and politics. 4. The Government’s concern with low wages was «in the area of phoney politics.» 5. «Politics is a dirty trade, isn’t it, Judge?» he remarked. 6. Certain Americanisms of the theatrical world have been accepted into the language of British politics. 7. We go to him and say, «Mr Disbrow, you manage the politics for th Mojave railroad, and what you say goes with your Boar of Directors.» 8. Eventually, after long negotiations involving politics,more publicity and gross misinterpretation, the airport and the Federal Aviation Administration had conceded that jet takeoffs and landings directly over Meadowood would be made only when essential in special circumstances. 9. I am delighted to see that more and more Americans in all walks — politics,business and industry, journalism, education and others — are adopting the constructive and friendly advice expressed by Mr Harper in his book. 10. I know how you feel about politics nowadays. 11. He may know little about politics or drama— and care still less. 12. After this Magnus had definitely abandoned politics. 13. «What politics have you?» I asked. «I am without politics,» he said. «Iam seventy-six years old.» 14. He was not a timid snob nor a snob who sought the intimacy of persons who had acquired celebrity in politics or notoriety in the arts. 15. Itis a policy dictated by the international bankers and Big Business representatives. 16. A South African Anglican clergyman has decided to sell his belongings and seek a new life in Britain because of his country’s apartheid policies. 17. That was one of his policies in life — «never interfere with your friends.» 18. I have no intention whatever of recommending to the Cabinet any change in our policy. 19. The meetings will discuss the general economic policy framework.



Politics n. 1. (sing, v.) The science and art of government; political science; political affairs; political life; tha conducting of, or participation in, political affairs, often ns a profession, e.g. to be engaged in,~, to go into ~, to talk ~, ~ is a profession nowadays. 2. (pi. v.) Political views, opinions, principles, e.g. what are your ~?, the ~ of a newspaper, party ~.

Policy n. 1. A plan of action, statement of aims and Ideals, especially one made by a government, political party, business company, etc.; a course of action, e.g. home ~, foreign ~, the government’s incomes ~, to follow a ~. 2. A wise, sensible or crafty conduct or management, e.g. the ~ of such a course is doubtful.

The nouns politics and policy are sometimes confused by Russian learners. The source of confusion lies in the fact that both politics and policy can be translated into Russian by means of the same polysemantic word политика. Mind the difference between: 1) политика; политическая жизнь, политическая деятельность, политические взгляды, убеждения (politics) and 2) политика: внутренняя, внешняя и т. д.; линия поведения, курс (policy).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 603. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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