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London is very rich in theatres; there are over forty in the West End alone—more than enough to ensure that there will always be at least two or three shows running to suit every kind of taste, whether serious or frivolous.

Some of them are specialist theatres. The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, where the great opera singers of the world can be heard, is the home of opera and The Royal Ballet. The London Coliseum now houses the English National Opera Company, which encourages English singers in particular and performs most operas in English at popular prices.

Some theatres concentrate on the classics and serious drama, some on light comedy and revue, some on musicals. Most theatres have a personality of their own, from the old, such as the Theatre Royal (the 'Haymarket') in the Haymarket, to the most modern such as the recently opened Barbican centre in the City. The National Theatre has three separate theatres in its new building by Waterloo Bridge. At the new Barbican centre the Royal Shakespeare Company have their London home — their other theatre is at Stratford-on-Avon.

Most of the older London theatres are concentrated in a very small area, within a stone's throw of the Piccadilly and Leicester Square tube stations. As the evening performances normally begin either at seven-thirty or eight p.m. there is a kind of minor rush-hour between seven-fifteen and eight o'clock in this district. People stream out of the nearby tube stations, the pavements are crowded, and taxis and private cars manoeuvre into position as they drop theatre-goers outside the entrance to each theatre. There is another minor rush-hour when the performance finishes. The theatre in London is very popular and it is not always easy to get in to see a successful play.

Before World War II theatre performances began later and a visit to the theatre was a more formal occasion. Nowadays very few people "dress' for the theatre (that is, wear formal evening dress) except for first nights, or an important 'gala' performance. The times of performance were put forward during the war and have not been put back. The existing times make the question of eating a rather tricky problem: one has to have either early dinner or late supper. Many restaurants in 'theatreland' ease the situation by catering specially for early or late diners.

Television and the difficulty of financing plays have helped to close many theatres. But it seems that the worst of the situation is now over and that the theatre, after a period of decline, is about to pick up again. Although some quite large provincial towns do not have a professional theatre, there are others, such as Notting­ham, Hull, Coventry or Newcastle, which have excellent repertory companies and where a series of plays are performed during one season by a resident group of actors. Some towns such as Chichester or Edinburgh have theatres which give summer seasons. Even in small towns a number of theatres have been built in the last few years to cater for the local population.


Ex. I. Find in the text the English equivalents:

на любой вкус (подходить любому); вмещать; поддерживать английских певцов; концентрироваться на классике и серьезной драме; три отдельных театра; расположены на очень маленькой территории; совсем

рядом; час пик; людской поток; удачная пьеса; одеваться для театра; облегчать ситуацию; период упадка; профессиональный театр; отличные труппы с профессиональным репертуаром; обслуживать местное население

Ex. III. Put the sentences in the correct order:

1. The theatre, after a period of decline, is about to pick up again.

2. London is very rich in theatres; there are over 40 in the West End.

3. Some of them are specialist theatres.

4. Some towns have theatres which give summer seasons.

5. Most theatres have a personality of their own from the old to the most modern.

6. There’s a kind of minor rush-hour between 7.15 and 8 p.m. in the district.

7. The theatre in London is very popular and it is not always easy to get in to see a successful play.

8. Before World War II theatre performances were a more formal occasion.


Ex. II. Answer the questions:

1. Where are the theatres in London mostly situated?

2. How do you understand ‘specialist theatres’?

3. What kinds of theatres are there in London?

4. What can theatres in the West End offer the audience?

5. What do some theatres concentrate on?

6. Why are there two minor rush-hours?

7. What do most theatres have?

8. Where do the Royal Shakespeare Company have their London home?

9. Where are most of the older London theatres concentrated?

10. When do the evening performances start?

11. How do people get to the theatres?

12. Do people dress for the theatre nowadays?

13. What can be said about theatres in other towns?


Ex. III. Translate into English:

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