Студопедия — Sources of revenue
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Sources of revenue

For each football club revenue consist of several points:

• Matchday revenue (Largely derived from gate receipts (including season tickets and memberships))

• Broadcasting revenue (From both domestic and international competitions)

• Pic. 1 Proportion of revenues generated from 3 sources for top 20 football clubs.[2]

• Commercial revenue (Including sponsorships and merchandising)

To understand how much money football club can get from the sponsorship it is enought to look at sponsorship deal between MU and AIG. This deal of £56.5m to be paid over four years. That equates to £14.1m a year.

The Premier League’s three year £2.8 billion (€3.4 billion) broadcasting contracts provided clubs with distributions of between £31.8m (€38.8m) and £53m (€64.7m) in 2009/10, enabling eight of the broadcasting top 20 to come from England. The Premier League’s broadcast revenue distribution model is the most equal of the ‘big five’ leagues – the club which received the highest distribution (Manchester United £53m, €64.7m) received 1.7x the revenue of the club which received the lowest distribution (Portsmouth £31.8m, €38.8m). A new set of broadcasting deals come online in 2010/11 – which will increase the three year value to £3.6 billion (€4.4 billion) – will not be sufficient to bridge the gulf in broadcast revenues received by the top English clubs compared with Barcelona and Real Madrid, but will widen the advantage that clubs outside of the Champions League qualifying places enjoy over their European peers.

Clubs’ other main source of broadcasting revenue comes from UEFA distributions for the Champions League and Europa League. All but three clubs in the broadcasting top 20 participated in the group phases of either the Champions League or Europa League, 15 clubs received Champions League distributions of between €15.1m (£12.4m, Atlético de Madrid) and €48.8m (£40m, Internazionale). These distributions typically provide around 20% of broadcasting revenue to the largest clubs who sell their domestic rights individually. This proportion increases to more than 30% of broadcasting revenue for clubs whose domestic rights are sold collectively. The highest proportion is the 54% of broadcasting revenues that UEFA distributions contributed to Bayern Munich, the sole German club in the broadcasting top 20. The lack of an established Pay-TV market in Germany, has constricted the growth of Bundesliga domestic broadcast revenues which are the lowest of the ‘big five’ European leagues.


Interesting fact that stream from clubs which get maximum and minimum money is not so big as it seems. On the chart below you can see a revenue stream.[3]


With all but the elite clubs facing an increased challenge in delivering commercial revenue growth in the difficult economic climate, matchday revenues – which is the most controllable revenue stream on a day to day basis – have become increasingly important to clubs seeking to improve the balance of revenue from each source. Matchday and commercial revenues are significantly more polarised amongst the top 20 clubs than broadcasting, providing the opportunity to clubs to differentiate themselves from their peers.

Clubs who have recently completed stadia enhancements, or moved stadia, have shown the competitive advantage that can be gained on their peers. It is critical that clubs complete developments that are in the pipeline. Although the economic climate remains challenging, innovative pricing solutions and corporate hospitality offerings can help clubs maximise these more controllable revenues.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 460. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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