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V Skim the text with a partner to decide if the sentences are true or false.

1 An aircraft is fitted with one or two main batteries depending on its height.

2 The battery is located as close as possible to its point of distribution.

3 In smaller general aviation (GA) aircraft, the battery cannot be located in the

engine compartment, alternatively behind the luggage compartment in the rear


4 On some larger GA aircraft the battery is located in the leading edge of the nose.

5 Other locations include the wing equipment bay on medium size helicopters or

attached to the external airframe.

6 For larger aircraft, e.g. the Boeing 737, three batteries are located in the

Avionics compartment.

7 Batteries are installed in a dedicated box or compartment designed to retain it in

position and provide ventilation.

8 The battery compartment is usually fitted with a tray to collect any spilt

electrolyte and protect the airframe.

9 Tray material will be not resistant to corrosion and non-absorbent.

10 The structure around the battery compartment will be treated to reduce any

damage from orrosion resulting from any spilt electrolyte or fumes given off

during charging.

11 Batteries must be secured to prevent them from becoming detached during

aircraft maneuvers; they are a fire risk if they become detached from their tray.

12When installing batteries in the aircraft, extreme care must be taken to directly

connect the terminals.

13This could lead to a high charge of electrical energy causing personal harm

and/or damage to the aircraft.

14The battery must be secured with causing any deformation of the casing which

could lead to plate buckling and internal shorting.

15 Main battery installations must not be vented to allow gases to escape, and

accommodate electrolyte spillage.

16Rubber or other non-corroding pipes are used as ventilation lines which direct

the gases overboard, usually terminating at the generator skin.

17 On pressurized aircraft the differential pressures between cabin and atmosphere

are used to draw air through the venting system.

18Removal of the aircraft battery cannot result in loss of power to any clocks that

are electrically.

19It will usually be necessary to check and reset the clocks on the flight deck

when battery power is eventually restored.

20When no other power is on the airplane (B777), the hot battery doesn`t bus

supply power to the static random access memory (SRAM) of the AIMS.

21 If you connect the main battery with no power to the AIMS cabinets, you lose

some data.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 491. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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