Студопедия — The words of the same category of parts of speech which have contrasting meaning are termed
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

The words of the same category of parts of speech which have contrasting meaning are termed

a) antonyms

b) synonyms

c) homonyms proper

d) homographs

e) homophones


100) Which of the following words are termed as antonyms?

a) seal-seal, bank-bank, mint-mint

b) bad-bad, bow-bow, tear-tear

c) loudly-softly, warm-cold, love-hatred, friend-enemy

d) buy-purchase, prelly-lovely-beautiful

e) son-sun, knight-night, write-right

101) The term “idiom” is applied to

a) free word-groups

b) analytical form of the verb

c) phraseological units with completely transferred meaning, to the ones in which the meaning of the whole unit does not correspond to the current meanings of the components

d) phraseological units in which the meaning of the whole corresponds to the current meanings of the components

e) verbal collocations


102) Phraseological units with completely transferred meaning in which the meaning of the whole doesn’t correspond to the current meanings of the components are termed

a) idioms

b) free-word groups

c) analytical form of the verb

d) verbal collocation

e) phrase


1 03) The essential feature of phraseological units is

a) the presence of the nouns

b) the presence of the verbs

c) the presence of the adjectives

d) the syntactical structure of the unit

e) structural invariability


104) The word –group “ to give somebody the cold shoulder” is

a) free word-group

b) idiom

c) collocation

d) analytical form of the verb

e) lexeme


105) Supply the missing word in the idiom “a bee in one’s…”

a) pocket

b) hat

c) cap

d) bonnet

e) shirt


106) Supply the missing word in the proverb “ There’s no use crying over spilt…”

a) wine

b) water

c) milk

d) oil

e) petrol

107) Supply the missing word in phrase logical unit “ To carry coals to…”

a) Manchester

b) London

c) Liverpool

d) Newcastle

e) Washington


108) Supply the missing word in phraseological unit “ To keep a … in one’s family cupboard”

a) head

b) weapons

c) food

d) coffin

e) skeleton


109) Supply the missing word in the proverb “It’s the early… that catches the worm”

a) fly

b) swallow

c) horse

d) bird

e) dog


110) Supply the missing in the proverb “ We never know the value of … till the well is dry”

a) wine

b) bread

c) water

d) oil

e) sugar

111) Supply the missing words in the proverb “Never trouble … until… troubles you”

a) dog / dog

b) trouble / trouble

c) cat/cat

d) weather/ weather

e) ghost/ghost


112) Supply the missing word in the proverb “ Hell is … with good intentions”

a) provided

b) paved

c) brought

d) played

e) preceded

113) Define the meaning of the phraseological unit “ to be all at sea”

a) to swim in the sea

b) to go fishing

c) to live on the seashore

d) to be unable to understand

e) to go boating


114)Define the meaning of phraseological unit “ In deep water”

a) to prosper

b) to swim deep in the water

c) to dive deep into the water

d) to be trouble or danger

e) to be happy


115) Define the meaning of pharaseological unit “ To bow to the storm”

a) to give in, to acknowledge one’s defeat

b) to be waiting for the storm

c) to escape from the storm

d) to go fishing in the storm

e) to go boating in the storm

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