Студопедия — Viral hepatitis E
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Viral hepatitis E

Acute viral hepatitis E, clinically identical to acute hepatitis A, called RNA virus hepatitis E endemic areas and epidemic cases of hepatitis E are marked, especially in Southeast Asia, India, Central America. The spread of hepatitis E is associated with contaminated drinking water and poor hygiene conditions (enteral route of the infection)_ The incubation period ranges from 17 to 75 days (average 42 days)_ The vast majority of cases, has a favorable prognosis, the risk of fulminant course of the disease is marked for pregnant women. The possibility of chronic hepatitis E is not described_ Cases of reinfection observed_


1. Qualitative detection of hepatitis E virus RNA by PCR

2. IgM antibodies and Ig G (total) to hepatitis E (anti-HEV-IgM + Ig G)

IgM antibodies and Ig G - serological marker of acute stage of hepatitis E.

Hepatitis B virus (hepatitis B virus (HBV))

Inflammation of the liver caused by a DNA virus of the family Hepadnaviridae - hepatitis B virus (HBV)_

Transmission path viral hepatitis - parenteral (contaminated needles, syringes and other medical instruments through transfusions of infected blood), sexually and from mother to child (vertical path), the most dangerous third trimester of pregnancy. The hepatitis B virus can be found in various secretions, but the major source of infection is the blood of a patient. At high concentrations of the virus minimal traces of blood (0.0001 ml) was enough to cause acute viral hepatitis B virus carriers are especially dangerous and patients who are in the incubation period_

The incubation period varies depending upon the dose of agent 30 to 180 days, on average 70 days. Acute hepatitis B becomes chronic in 10-15% of cases.

Hepatitis B virus is composed of a shell and the nucleocapsid_ The casing contains the surface antigen (HBsAg). In nucleocapsid is nuclear (core) antigen (HBcAg) and an antigen "e» (HBeAg), and enzymes and DNA virus. In the course of the immune response during disease antigens shell and core of the virus produces a variety of antibodies_ Knowledge of the dynamics of the emergence of hepatitis B virus antigens and antibodies to them is very important in terms of diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of current hepatitis B serological markers are also used to assess the need for hepatitis B vaccination and monitoring its effectiveness.

Active prevention of hepatitis B is possible by vaccination_

Markers of hepatitis B:

1. Hepatitis B virus: the definition of quality of DNA (HBV-DNA)

Qualitative detection of HBV DNA by PCR. Selected fragment - a unique DNA sequence of the structural gene of the protein.

2. Hepatitis B virus: quantification of DNA (HBV-DNA)

Quantitative determination of HBV DNA by PCR.

3. HBs-antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBs-antigen, the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus, "Aussie" antigen)

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