Студопедия — I haven't got anything to wear
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I haven't got anything to wear


1 Fill in the blanks. Try to do the exercise before

you look at the words in the box.

1. 'What's the..................?' 'I'm not feeling very

4 Fill in the blanks in the text with words from the box.

well.' 'Oh dear................... I get you an aspirin?'

2. 'Can you.................. me some money?' 'Yes, all

right, I think................... When can you give it

.................. to me?'

3. 'Have you.................. the time?' 'No, sorry, I'm

.................. I haven't.'

after agam ago because

called deep except hit only so soon started walking when




hurt lost stay that

4. 'Would you like.................. to a party this

evening?' 'That's very.................. of you. I'd love

...................' 'All right. Can you.................. to my house about 8 o'clock?'

5. 'Could I.................. one of your dresses?' 'Yes, of course. Do you want.................. a pair of shoes to go with it?' 'Well, if you're sure you don't...................'

6. 'Excuse me................... you tell me the.................. to

Times Square?' 'I'm sorry. I'm a.................. here


7. 'Have you got.................. for a £5 note?' 'Wait a................... I.................. have a...................'

My sense of direction is not very good, and I easily get........L....... One day, about ten years.......;?........, I was

........3......... in the mountains between France and Italy

.......:........ the weather began to turn bad. I......5........

to make my way back downhill,............... I did not

want to be caught in a storm. But after a few hundred metres I realised.......!......... I was not sure of the way. The clouds came down lower and lower, it started to rain, and........?......... I was completely lost.

I.......9.......... as loud as I could, but of course there was nobody close enough to hear me. I did not want

to..... JQ........ on the mountain, but it was impossible

to go on,..... J.L....I crawled into a hole between two



borrow to borrow


rocks and waited for the storm to go over........P.......

come to come could got kind

'll look matter mind second

so stranger to way

lend shall

two or three hours the rain stopped and the clouds lifted, and I was able to start walking.......P........ I was very cold and hungry, and I had nothing to eat.......1.4:.......

a few sweets.

About half an hour later I suddenly recognised my

2 Spelling: double letters. Put another letter in

the blank if necessary.


pos.S.ible nec,..es...ary let..er visit...or speLing big...er old...er waiLing sit..ing stop...ed rub...ish definit..ely


3 Infinitive with or without to?

1. I haven't got anything (to eat I eat).

2. Why don't you (to take I take) a holiday?

3. I would like (to go I go) out tonight.

4. 'That's the doorbell.' 'I'll (to go I go).'

5. Can you (to lend I lend) me some money?

6. That dress makes her (to look I look) funny.

7. I hope (to see I see) you again soon.

8. Shall I (to carry I carry) that bag for you?

9. What time do you have (to start I start) work

in the mornings?

10. It's nice (to see I see) you again.

surroundings, and I realised that I was.....J..?........ two or three hundred metres above the camp site. However, my troubles were not over. On my way down I slipped and.......l.L.... my knee against a rock.

There was a.......1.7........ cut and it.....J........very badly,

and as soon as I got back to the camp I went to see a doctor. Fortunately, nothing was.......12........•


5 Write about a time when you were lost, or write

a story about somebody who was lost. Use words and

expressions from Exercise 4, and from the text about

Juliana Koepke on page 26 of the Student's Book.



6 If you have Student's Cassette A, find Lesson 12, Exercise 2 (only part of the conversation is recorded here). Listen to the conversation with the Student's Book closed and write down as much as you can.



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