Студопедия — Ordinary verbs: present tenses
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Ordinary verbs: present tenses


Simple Present


I work do I work? I do not (don't) work
you work do you work?. you do not (don't) work
he/she/it work we work dohe etc. work? do we work? she etc. donot (do n't) work we do not (don't) work
you work do you work? you do not (don't) work
they work do they work? they do not (don't) work


I live in Curzon Street.

'Do you like orange juice?' 'Yes, I do.' ('Yes, I like. ') What time does Karen get up?

, (... does Karen gets...)

'Does she go to work by car?' 'No, she doesn't.' My father doesn't work on Mondays.

(... doesn't works...)

'Do Sam and Virginia live near you?' 'No, they don't.'


Stress and pronunciation

'Do you (/dju:/) like orange juice?'

'Yes, I do.' 'No, I don't.'

What time does (/daz/) Karen get up?

'Does (/daz/) she have breakfast?'

'Yes, she does (/dAzl).' 'No, she doesn't (/'dAznt/).'


Spelling of he/she/it forms Pronunciation of he/she/it forms


MOST VERBS: get ---7 gets play-7plays live ---7 lives


1. lzl after vowels and most voieed;;oqixds. (Jbi;J¢;

lg!, lvl,131, Ill, lml,. lrrflfiit...·.....


goes /gauz/ sees /si:z/ stands /stamdz/

lives /lrvz/ tells /telz/ runs frAnz/




-ch, -sh oR -s:

try ---7 tries



watch ---7 watches wash ---7 washes miss-7misses


2. lsi after most unvoiced sound$:



stops /stops/ starts /sta:ts/ looks /luks/


3. lw after lsi, lzl, IJI,1;,1, /ti! "td:sl


IRREGULAR: have ----7 has do-7does go---?goes

presses /'presrz/ uses /'ju:zrz/ pushes /'puJrz/

watches /'wotJrz/


Present Progressive


I am (I'm) looking am I looking? I am not (I'm not) looking
you are (you're) looking are you looking? you are not (you're not I you aren't) looking
he/she/it is (he's etc.) looking is she etc. looking? he etc. is not (he's not I he isn't} looking
we are (we're) looking are we looking? we are not (we're not I we aren't) looking
you are (you're} looking are you looking? you are not (you're not I you aren't) looking
they are (they're) looking are they looking? they are not (they're not I they aren't} looking


I'm looking for a blue sweater.

Everybody is looking up. (E•1erybody are...)

They are wearing green suits.

'Is the commentator looking?' ('Is looking the commentator?')

'Yes, he is.' 'No, he isn't.'

What is the woman in the red dress doing? (What is doing the woman...)

I'm not working today.

The price of bread is going up. People are getting taller.

What are you doing tomorrow?


Non-progressive verbs Spelling of -ing forms



P i:,•·.·.·
r13mmiher''haw •,ii)'?welliuaUy

'simplte,e5;n()t?''., ···



Do you want to go home now? (Are yo1:1 •.vanting...?)

I don't like this music. (I'm not liking...)


work working eat eating


makemaking (makeing)

write --7writing

She has (got} a headache. (She is having...)


ll'f 0NE VOWEL + oNE



sit ---7 sitting run ----7 running


VERBS ENDING IN -ie: lie ----7lying die----7 dying


The difference between the two present tenses

2...,W ' u1e the P nf Progressive to talk about:


-·things that are happening or changing now,

The earth goes round the sun. Water boils at 100° Celsius.

I speak French.

--·::!:::::pe ·

I usually study from five to seven o'clock.

Helen often wears red.



Telling stories with present tenses

One day, Anna is walking in the park when a man stops her. It is Boris. He tells her...



these days.

The water's boiling. I'll make coffee. I'm studying very hard just now.

Look. Helen's wearing a lovely red dress. The price of bread is going up.

People are getting taller.


- plans for the future (see below, page 86)

We're going to Ann and Peter's for Christmas. What are you doing tomorrow?

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