Студопедия — Comprehension
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


1. The narrator decided to help Miss Bradley at the railway station because

a. she was an acquaintance of his b. she looked helpless

c. she was an attractive woman


2. Miss Bradley was

a. about twenty-five years old b. about thirty-five years old

c. about fifty-five years old


3. Miss Bradley had

a. two suitcases and a bag b. two old suitcases c. three suitcases


4. Miss Bradley was

a. attractive, but boring as a conversation partner

b. not attractive, but an interesting person

c. neither attractive nor interesting to talk to


5. The narrator agreed to go through customs with Miss Bradley because

a. he was bored and wanted a fellow-traveler

b. he was attracted to her c. he was too polite to say no


6. The porter didn’t bring the narrator’s luggage for a long time

a. because there were problems when they X-rayed it at the customs

b. because Miss Bradley stole it and disappeared

c. because it was examined together with Miss Bradley’s luggage, which was stopped


7. Miss Bradley’s luggage was stopped because

a. it was too large

b. there were expensive things she was trying to smuggle

c. there were weapons


Vocabulary Training

I. Understanding Word Meaning from Context.

Choose a word or a word group that has the same meaning as the word in bold.

1. He tried to dance but he was too clumsy and awkward.

a. stout b. tall c. ungraceful d. short


2. You rescued her from an embarrassing situation.

a. judged b. saved c. caused d. met


3. We thought that, since we were in that area, we’d stop and see them.

a. when b. later c. because d. then


4. Don’t be such a bore, let’s go and take part in the party!

a. shy person b. lazy person

c. unsociable person d. uninteresting person


II. What are the noun, the adjective and the adverb that have the same root as the verb “ to hesitate ”? Use one of these words in an example of your own.


III. a) What can you exchange? Give an example. (Note: to exchange smth for smth).

b) What/who can you hire? What for?


IV. a) Look up the word “ plain ” in a dictionary. What meanings does it have? In what meaning is it used in the text? (There is a noun with this root in the text)

b) The sentence “ I had nothing to declare, and declared it ” is an example of a pun. It is based on different meanings of the verb ‘ to declare ”. What are they?


V. a) Note that the word “ point ” can be both a noun and a verb. Look it up in a dictionary. What new phrasal verbs and idioms have you found? Make up en example to illustrate one of them.

b) Note that the word “ part ” can be both a noun and a verb. In what meaning is it used in the text?


VI. Note the pattern “ it is/was no use + V-ing ”. It is used to say that there is no point in doing something because it will not be successful or have a good result.

Make up an example of your own with this pattern.

NB. Mind the pronunciation of the noun “use” (voiceless [s] vs. voiced [z] in the verb “to use”).


VII. Note how each of the following idioms and expressions is used in the text:

1) on one’s (own) initiative; 2) to shake hands; 3) in due course; 4) to be due (+to V).

Now use each of these expressions in an example of your own. Try to relate them to your own experience.


Recounting and Interpreting Details

1. Where did the narrator see Miss Bradley?

2. What did she look like?

3. Why did the narrator decide to help Miss Bradley?

4. What impression did Miss Bradley produce on the narrator when they went by ferry together?

5. How did it happen that the narrator and Miss Bradley went through customs together?

6. Why wasn’t the narrator’s luggage delivered to him in time?

7. What did the narrator think about the whole incident later? Comment on the last two paragraphs.

8. Find a word to describe Miss Bradley’s occupation.

9. What impression does the narrator produce on you? Use details from the text to support your point of view. Why had Miss Bradley chosen him to take her through customs?

10. What kind of person was Miss Bradley, to your mind?



Creative Follow-up Work

I. Imagine the events preceding this story. Tell about Miss Bradley’s plan of action.

II. Find in the text as many words and expressions related to the topics “ travelling by train ” and “ customs ” as you can. Use them to make up a short story of about 150 words.


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