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Speciality: the general medicine

Discipline: political science

Chair of history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №1-16: Authority as a political phenomenon



The composer: Sergazina G.M.

The tuter chair of history of Kazakhstan

and general educational disciplines


The signature



Semey 2014


Protocol № _____from "____" _________ 201_ y.


Holder of the chair/ Head teacher ____________________Sergazina G.M


Confirmed on a chair session

Protocol № _____from "____" _________ 201_ y.

Made next modifications and additions (point out the number of methodical recommendation)___________________________________________________________




Holder of the chair/ Head teacher ____________________ Sergazina G.M

academic degree, academic title



Confirmed on a chair session

Protocol № _____from "____" _________ 201_ y.

Made next modifications and additions (point out the number of methodical recommendation)___________________________________________________________




Holder of the chair/ Head teacher ____________________ Sergazina G.M

academic degree, academic title


Confirmed on a chair session

Protocol № _____from "____" _________ 201_ y.

Made next modifications and additions (point out the number of methodical recommendation)___________________________________________________________




Holder of the chair/ Head teacher ____________________ Sergazina G.M


Confirmed on a chair session

Protocol № _____from "____" _________ 201_ y.

Made next modifications and additions (point out the number of methodical recommendation)___________________________________________________________




Holder of chair/ Head teacher ____________________ Sergazina G.M

1. Theme №1: Politology as a science

2. The aim: explanation of genesis of politology; consideration of an object, a subject, methodological bases and functions of politology.

3. Tasks of training:

- The student should know a subject and object of politology;

- The student should be able to be guided in scientific concepts of political science; to define structure and functions of a politology.

4. The main questions of a theme:

1. The beginning of a politology.

2. Object and a subject of politology.

3. Methods and functions of politology.

5. Methods of training and teaching:

Seminar is spent by a technique of " small groups», where each subgroup should cover the maintenance of questions by the plan of a seminar under the tutor direction. After discussing each question, there is the discussion with whole group. Besides there will the abstract reports on themes: «Structure of political science», «the Place of political science in system of socially-humanitarian disciplines» be heard.

6. The literature:

1 Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. Kapesova M.K.- Almaty, 1995.

2 Politics. Educational-methodical posobie- Almaty, 1995.

3 Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. prof. Mustafina Almaty, 1994.

4.Grigorev VK Course of lectures on politologii- Almaty, 1997.

5 Kozlov, Yu Buluktaev Politics: Tutorial-Almaty, 1995.

5. The control questions:

1. When was the politology generated?

2. What are the subject and object of politology?

3. List the basic methods of political science.

4. What are functions of politology?

5. Name and define the most important categories of political science?

6. What is the structure of political science?

7. When and where there was a first faculty of political sciences?


1. Theme №2: the Basic stages of a political science becoming.

2. The aim: to fix students knowledge of the basic directions about a political idea during an epoch of antiquity, Middle Ages and during epochof Educaton

3. Tasks of training:

- the student should know substantive provisions of political views of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, Middle Ages of an epoch of Education.

- The student should be able to understand history of political doctrines.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. A political idea of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

2. A political idea of Middle Ages.

3. A political idea of an epoch of Education.

5. Methods of training and teaching: seminar will be lead by a traditional technique with elements of modern technologies of training. After oral interrogation by the plan of seminar, students in pairs should make the table on history of a political idea, where it is necessary to specify an epoch, representatives of a political idea and their sights. In the conclusion there will abstracts by the plan of educational - research work of the student and scientifically- research works of the student be heard.

6. The literature:

1. Bulatov AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.

2. AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995.

3. Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

4. AA Radugin Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

5. Politologiya. Textbook ed. Mukhayev R.T.- Moscow, 1997.

6. www.google.kz

7. The control (questions, tests, tasks and ets):

1. Name representatives of a political idea of the Ancient World.

2. What is the ideal model of the state on Platon represents?

3. Open substantive provisions of political views of Aristotel.

4. What contribution was brought in development of a political idea by Mark Tuly Tsetseron?

5. What has political views of thinkers of Middle Ages influenced?

6. Name the basic representatives of an epoch of Education



1. Theme3: History of Kazakhstan political idea.

2. The aim. To fix student knowledge about development of Kazakhstan political idea.

3. Tasks of training:

- The student should know features of becoming and development of Kazakhstan political idea;

- The student should be able to analyze political views of the Kazakh educators of XIX century, feature of a political idea of Kazakhstan in half XX of century.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. Views of Usuf Balasacuny, Hodzha Ahmed Jassaui.

2. Political views of the Kazakh educators of XIX century.

3. A political idea of Kazakhstan in XX of a century.

5. Methods of training and teaching: Seminar employment are spent by a traditional technique, after oral interrogation work in pairs on drawing up graphology schemes on history of Kazakhstan political idea, where it is necessary show one of representatives of a political idea and its sights is offered to students. In the conclusion there will the abstract on a theme: «the Basic directions of a political idea of Kazakhstan in modern conditions» be heard.

6. The literature:

1 Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. Kapesova M.K.- Almaty, 1995.

2 Politics. Educational-methodical posobie- Almaty, 1995.

3 Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. prof. Mustafina Almaty, 1994.

4.Grigorev VK Course of lectures on politologii- Almaty, 1997.

5 Kozlov, Yu Buluktaev Politics: Tutorial-Almaty, 1995.

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