Студопедия — IV. Discuss the following questions.
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IV. Discuss the following questions.

1. What versions of the origin of the name America do you hold?

2. Why do you think nothing has helped the Indians of the United States to preserve their lands?

3. Do you remember the early history of New York?

4. What was the impact of the ‘Boston tea Party’ on the course of events?

5. Can you explain the origin of the word combination ‘White House’?

6. Did the victory of the North in the Civil War contribute to the development of the United States?

7. Compare the period of industrialization in the United States with the 1990s in Russia. Are there any similar features?

8. What is the most interesting and important stage in the historical development of the USA, to your mind? Give a detailed analysis of it.

V. Draw a sketch-map of the United States and show the location of:

1) coal, oil, iron ore, non-ferrous metals

2) the major industrial centers;

3) the mountain chains;

4) the major rivers and lakes.


VI. In a group of three make a survey on one of the following topics. Present it in class using the whiteboard.

1. The USA as a country of geographical extremes.

2. American national parks.

3. The economic role of rivers in the United States.

4. American climatic conditions.

5. Weather phenomena on the territory of the United States.




I. Present an outline of the events going on in the USA this week.


II. Summarize the main changes to American society in terms of number, density, age, ethnic origin and family structure since the beginning of the 20th century.


III. Compose a scheme, a chart, a diagram or a collage that will be helping to comment on Task II.

IV. Consider this diagram.

Legal Immigrants Admitted to the United States by Region of Birth

1. What could cause the changes in the immigration patterns, to your mind?

2. Have such changes affected how Americans view the rest of the world?


V. Organize a talk-show “Americans on the Move”. The presenter is going to introduce the main trend of internal migration and the participants will speak about their incentives to move from part of the country to the other. Then all the participants will try to define the influence of internal migration on the formation of the American character.


VI. Present the report on Native Americans in the USA.


VII. Draw a sketch-map of the United States and:

1) show the density of population in different parts of the country;

2) include the largest American cities;

3) show the immigrant communities.


VIII. Debate the following topics:

1. The impact of immigration on American society is mainly negative.

2. Stricter laws against further immigration should be passed.

3. Ethnic minorities inhabiting the USA must retain their national peculiar features.

4. The mobility of population is a positive aspect.

IX. Write an essay on the future of the American society. What predictions can you make about the demographic structure of the American society? In what ways is it likely to differ by 2100 from today?



I. Present an outline of the events going on in the USA this week.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-01; просмотров: 450. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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