Студопедия — Task 6. Translate the text into your native language using the dictionary.
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Task 6. Translate the text into your native language using the dictionary.


As any liquid containing carbohydrates starts fermenting at temperature 12-14 °C and can be turned into alcohol drinks with various content of alcohol,person could receive such drinks long before emergence of pottery, having used simple and available capacities – wineskins. People learned to make a hard liquor fromthe different raw materials: rum – from a sugar cane, cognac - from grapes, Calvados – from apple juice, etc.

Receiving alcohol is purely based on distillation process. On the basis of studying ancient manuscripts scientists suppose that the idea of chemical distillation of liquids arose in the I millennium BC.

In 1334 the doctor-alchemist from Provence Arnaud de Villguer(Monpelye, France) was the first man who received wine alcohol from grape wine and propagandized it as remedy. In 1360 a number of French and Italian monasteries already made wine alcohol by name aquavitae ("life water").

In 1386 Genoa merchants brought alcohol to Moscow to show its advantages to the grand duke, boyars and druggists.

Task 7. Do the task according to the text.

1. Read the text and identify the main opinion of the text.

2. Put 5 questions to the text.

3. Make a dialogue according to the text.

Theme12.Technology of wine-making.

Task 1.Topical vocabulary.

  Requirement Талап Требование
  Moderate Біркелкі Умеренный
  To ripen толықсу Созревать
  Dye; to dye бояу Краска; окрашивать
  Cluster Бір шоқ (жүзімнің шашақты бір шоғы) Гроздь
  Drift Өздігінен ағу Самотек
  Mash Сыра ашытқысы Сусло
  Fraction Фракция (қайнатқанда сұйық қоспасынан бөлінетін заттар) Фракция
  Alburnum Мезга Мезга
  Recasting Құйылым Переливка
  Endurance Шыдамдылық Выносливость

Task 2. Read the text and answer the questions.

Technology of wine-making

The real wine is produced just from grapes. The technical grades of grapes that passes for producing wine have to meet special requirements: it should accumulate sugar well, have moderate acidity, be able easy given into processing, and be ripen at different times.

White wine is prepared from grapes with the raised content of aromatic substances and acids, red wine is produced with the high content of dyes and phenolic connections. High-sugary and aromatic grades are used for developing sweet and liqueur wines. For strong wines high-sugary grades with the lowered content of acids and a large number of extractive and phenolic substances are suitable.

Collected grapes are brought on crushing and pressing. For receiving champagne it is sometimes pressed by clusters. The mash following from grapes at an easy extraction without pressing and also wine was derived from it, is called - drift.

For developing white wine a mash is separated quickly from alburnum. Such technology is called processing in right way. During the first pressure drift and mash are used for preparing high-quality wine and the subsequent pressing fractions for developing ordinary wine.

During processing by a red way it is necessary to extract dyes from thin peels of grapes. For this purpose different methods are applied: heating alburnum, fermentingmash on alburnum, alcoholizingand fermenting alburnum with extraction of dyes and other methods.

Fermentation is carried out on pure culture of wine yeast or natural yeast. If it is necessary to receive dry wine then sugar is fermented completely. At developingsemi-sweet or sweet wine fermentation isstopped forcibly by different ways: alcoholizing, cooling or heating.

After finishing fermenting wine it is clarified, it is removed from yeast by transfusion. During recasting wine of one type and a gradeis mixed. The period from the ending fermenting to the first recasting is called formation of wine. For producing special wine special technological methods are used.

The received fresh wine is directed to endurance and after finishing endurance of mature wine – for pouring which is usually made on automatic lines with the minimum access of air.

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