Студопедия — GRODNO STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY. 1. History. Structure. The Grodno State Medical Institute was founded in 1958
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GRODNO STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY. 1. History. Structure. The Grodno State Medical Institute was founded in 1958


1. History. Structure. The Grodno State Medical Institute was founded in 1958. In 2008 it will celebrate the 50th anniversary. In 2000 the Grodno State Medical Institute received the legal status of the University.

· The Grodno State Medical University has four faculties: the Faculty of General Medicine, the Faculty of Pediatrics, the Faculty of Medical Psychology and the Faculty of Medical Nurses with Higher Education (a full-time and correspondence form of studies). Medical students are specializing in General Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical Psychology and Nursing correspondingly. After graduation they are qualified as physicians, pediatricians, medical psychologists and nurses. Foreign students are trained at the Department of Foreign Students of the Faculty of General Medicine, they are specializing in General Medicine and are qualified as physicians. The total number of students as of 2005 was about 2650. The number of foreign students averages 250.

· Head of the University is called the rector. The administration of each faculty is responsibility of the dean and the dean`s office. The dean`s deputy is usually called the subdean. Each faculty is divided into a number of departments. For example, there are the following departments in the Administration Building of the University: the Department of Biochemistry, the Department of Medical Physics, the Department of Social Hygiene, the Department of Foreign Languages, the Department of General Chemistry, the Department of General Hygiene. The person responsible for the running of the department is called the head of department.

2. Academic staff. The Grodno State Medical University has a highly qualified academic staff. In 2005 about 300 university lecturers worked in 43 departments, among them there were over 30 professors and 40 doctors of sciences, over 230 assistant professors and candidates of sciences, over 100 assistant lecturers.

3. Buildings and facilities. The Grodno State Medical University occupies 5 buildings for studies. It has also 3 hostels for students, two gymnasiums, some sports fields, a great library, cafeteria, some smaller dining rooms where students have their meals. The University has well-equipped lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories, a lot of reading rooms, several computerized and video-equipped classrooms.

4. Educational process. The period of studies at the medical faculty lasts 6 years. During the first 2 years the students have to deal with general subjects such as.... In this stage of studies the students are to acquire the necessary knowledge of the structure and functions of the human body. The medical students start their clinical training in the third year. All the clinical departments are located in different hospitals of our city, in the Regional Hospital mostly. The students work at the patient`s bedside and learn how to recognize and cure diseases. They acquire different practical skills, they are taught to feel pulse, to palpate, to percuss, to take blood pressure, to give injections and so on. The subjects studied by the senior students are....

· The academic year is divided into two terms (or semesters). After the autumn term the students have winter examinations and then the winter vacation, after the spring term the students have summer examinations and then the summer vacation. There are usually three double periods a day on the time-table. The attendance of lectures and classes is compulsory at the Grodno State Medical University. The students who have missed classes have to present a permit note from the dean`s office and to come to the tutorial.

5. Research work. The Grodno State Medical University doesn`t only provide medical training but it is also a centre of medical research. The students carry out research work in numerous research societies. Many departments have scientific societies supervised by highly qualified specialists. The students attending these societies take part in Students` Scientific Conferences. Many graduates of our University take up postgraduate courses.


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