Студопедия — Questions, answers, negatives
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Questions, answers, negatives

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General grammar terms

The sentence

1.1 Sentence word order

1.2 The simple sentence: verbs with and without objects

1.3 The simple sentence: direct and indirect objects

1.4 The compound sentence

1.5 The complex sentence: noun clauses

1.6 The complex sentence: relative pronouns and clauses

1.7 The complex sentence:'whose'; defining/non-defining clauses

1.8 The complex sentence: time, place, manner

1.9 The complex sentence: reason and contrast

1.10 The complex sentence: purpose, result and comparison

1.11 The complex sentence: present participle constructions

1.12 The complex sentence: perfect/past participle constructions


2.1 One-word nouns

2.2 Compound nouns

2.3 Countable and uncountable nouns (1)

2.4 Countable and uncountable nouns (2)

2.5 Number (singular and plural) (1)

2.6 Number (singular and plural) (2)

2.7 Gender

2.8 The genitive


3.1 The indefinite article:'a/an'(1)

3.2 The indefinite article: 'a/an' (2)

3.3 The definite article:'the'(1)


3.4 The definite article' 'the' (2)

3.5 The zero article (1)

3.6 The zero article (2)


4.1 Personal pronouns

4.2 'One'

4.3 'It' and 'one/some/any/none'

4.4 Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns ('my/mine')

4.5 Reflexive pronouns ('myself)

4.6 Demonstrative adjs/prons ('this'); 'some/any/no' compounds ('someone')


5.1 Quantifiers + countable and uncountable nouns

5.2 General and specific references to quantity

5.3 Uses of 'some', 'any', 'no' and 'none'

5.4 'Much', 'many', 'a lot of, '(a) few', '(a) little', 'fewer', less'

5.5 'Both' and 'all'

5.6 'All (the)', '(a/the) whole', 'each' and 'every'

5.7 'Another', '(the) other(s)', 'either', 'neither', 'each (one of)'


6.1 Formation of adjectives

6.2 Position of adjectives

6.3 Adjectives that behave like nouns; '-ed/-ing' endings

6.4 Adjectives after 'be', 'seem', etc.; word order of adjectives

6.5 The comparison of adjectives


7.1 Adverbs of manner

7.2 Adverbs of time,

7.3 Adverbial phrases of duration

7.4 Adverbs of frequency

7.5 Adverbs of degree

7.6 Intensifies

7.7 Focus adverbs

7.8 Viewpoint adverbs, connecting adverbs and inversion

Prepositions, adverb particles and phrasal verbs

8.1 Prepositions, adverb particles and conjunctions

8.2 Prepositions of movement and position; prepositions of time

8.3 Particular prepositions, particles: contrasts (1)

8.4 Particular prepositions, particles: contrasts (2)

8.5 Particular prepositions, particles: contrasts (3)

8.6 Phrasal verbs: Type 1, verb + preposition (transitive)

8.7 Phrasal verbs: Type 2, verb + particle (transitive)

8.8 Phrasal verbs: Type 3, verb + particle (intransitive)

Type 4, verb + particle + preposition (transitive)

Verbs, verb tenses, imperatives

9.1 The simple present and present progressive tenses (1)

9.2 The simple present and present progressive tenses (2)

9.3 The simple past tense

9.4 The simple past and past progressive tenses

9.5 The simple present perfect and present perfect progressive

9.6 The simple past perfect and past perfect progressive tenses

9.7 The simple future tense

9.8 The simple future, the future progressive, the future perfect

9.9 'Going to'and other ways of expressing the future

9.10 The imperative

Be, Have, Do

10.1 'Be'as a full verb (1)

10.2 'Be'as a full verb (2)

10.3 There'+'be'

10.4 Verbs related in meaning to'be'

10.5 'Have'as a full verb ='possess';'have got'='possess'

10.6 'Have'as a full verb meaning'eat','enjoy', etc.

10.7 'Do'as a full verb

Modal auxiliaries and related verbs

11.1 The two uses of modal verbs

11.2 Uses of modals (etc.) to express ability and inability

11.3 Uses of modals (etc.) to express permission and prohibition

11.4 Uses of modals (etc.) to express certainty and possibility

11.5 Uses of modals to express deduction

11.6 Uses of modals for offers, requests and suggestions

11.7 Expressing wishes, etc.: 'I wish', 'if only', 'it's (high) time'

11.8 Expressing preferences: 'would rather' and 'would sooner'

11.9 'It's advisable...'/'It's necessary...'

11.10 'It isn't advisable...'/'It isn't necessary...'/'It's forbidden'

11.11 Modals to express habit:'used to','will'and'would'

11.12 'Need'and'dare'as modals and as full verbs

11.13 'Would/wouldn't'; 'that...should': 'there' + modal

The passive and the causative

12.1 General information about form

12.2 Uses of the passive

12.3 Form and use of the causative

Questions, answers, negatives

13.1 Yes/No questions, negative statements, Yes/No answers

13.2 Alternative negative forms and negative questions

13.3 Tag questions and echo tags

13.4 Additions and responses

13.5 Question-word questions (1): 'Who(m)...?', 'What...?'

13.6 Question-word questions (2): 'When?', 'Where?'. 'Which?', 'Whose?'

13.7 Question-word questions (3): 'Why?', 'How?'

13.8 Subject-questions:'Who?','What?','Which?'.'Whose?'

13.9 Questions about alternatives; emphatic questions with 'ever'

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