Студопедия — Adverbs of time
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Adverbs of time

7.2A Points of time: 'Monday', 'this morning' [> LEG 7.21 -22, App 48]

Adverbs of time tell us when something happens. 'Points of time' tell us 'exactly when': e.g. today, yesterday, this/next/last week, on Monday, at 5 o'clock.

2 We can refer to days of the week without this, last, next or on: I'm seeing him Monday. (= this/next/on Monday). (Not 'I'm seeing him the Monday.') I saw him Monday. (= last/on Monday). (Not *I saw him the Monday.*)

3 This morning, etc. (Not *’today’, ‘morning’, 'today afternoon’* etc.) can refer to: - now: I feel terrible this morning. - earlier: I spoke to him this morning. - later on today: I'll speak to him this morning.

4 Note: tonight, tomorrow night and last night (Not *yesterday night*).

5 Note: the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow (in the evening), etc.

6 We do not use the in phrases like next Monday, last Monday: I'll see him next Monday.

7 We normally put time references at the end of a sentence or clause, but we can also put them at the beginning: (This morning) I went to the dentist (this morning). [> 1.1 A]

Write 1: Fill in the missing points of time.

yesterday today this morning at noon this afternoon this evening tonight this Monday this January this week this year tomorrow

Write 2: Today is Tuesday. Write sentences using the right points of time (today, etc.): Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday

1 When is she arriving? (Tuesday morning)... 2 When can you see him? (Tuesday)... 3 When did she arrive? (Monday night)... 4 When are you expecting her? (Wednesday night)... 5 When will you be home? (Tuesday night)... 6 When can I make an appointment? (Tuesday afternoon)… 7 When can I see you? (Thursday)... 8 When did she leave? (Monday in the evening)... 9 When can I see you? (Thursday morning)... 10 When can I come to your office? (Tuesday midday)... 11 When did he leave? (Monday morning)... 12 When will she phone? (Wednesday in the afternoon)...


7.2B ‘Still’ and ‘yet’ [> LEG 7.25,7.27]

1 Still and yet mean 'until now' and we often use them with the present perfect [> 9.5A],

2 We use still to emphasize continuity, mainly in affirmatives and sometimes in questions: I'm still waiting for my new passport. Is Martha still in hospital? We can also use still in the negative for special emphasis: John still hasn't written to me. Still has the same position in a sentence as adverbs of frequency [> 7.4B].

3 We use yet mainly in questions and negatives and often put it at the end of a sentence: Has your new passport arrived yet? - No, not yet. It hasn't arrived yet.

Write: Rewrite these sentences supplying still or yet. Sometimes both are possible.1 The children are … at the cinema. The children are still at the cinema. 2 I haven't met your brother... 3 Jim …works for the same company. 4 Has she phoned you? - No, not… 5 The new law hasn't come into force...


7.2C 'Already' and other adverbs of time [> LEG 7.23-24,7.26,7.28-29]

1 Already means 'before now' or 'so soon'. We use it in questions and affirmatives, but not in negatives. We can put it in the middle [> 7.4B] of a sentence or at the end: Have you already finished lunch? Have you finished lunch already? This machine is already out of date. It's out of date already.

2 Other common adverbs of time are: afterwards, at last, just, lately, now, once, recently, soon, suddenly, then, these days. We often use these adverbs in story-telling.

Write: Rewrite these sentences using yet or already. Sometimes both are possible.

1 Have you had breakfast? - I've had it, thanks. I've already had it, thanks./I've had it already. 2 I haven't received an invitation to the party.... 3 I have received an invitation to the party... 4 Have you finished eating?... 5 Haven't you finished eating?...

7.2D Write: Put in already, immediately, this week, still, then, yesterday, yet. Use each word once only. FIT FOR HUMANS, BUT NOT FOR PIGS! 1 … there's going to be a festival of British Food and Farming in Hyde Park in London. The festival hasn't begun 2... and farmers are3... bringing their animals. But a pig farmer has4... run into a serious problem.5... he arrived with his pigs from the Welsh Hills - hundreds of miles away. The pigs were very thirsty when they arrived in Hyde Park and the farmer6... gave them some London water. 7... he got a big surprise because the pigs refused to drink the water. London water is fit for humans but not for pigs!


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