Студопедия — Lesson 1
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Lesson 1

Text A

What is Civilization?

Answer the following questions:

What ancient civilizations do you know?

How do the scientists learn about things of the ancient past?

What society can we call a civilization?

Study the pronunciation of the following proper names:


Egypt [′i:dʒipt]

Greek [gri:k]

Mesopotamia [¸mesəpə′teimiə]

Roman [′rəumən]

Complete the table with the names of ancient civilizations and their people:

Country People

Guess the meaning of the following words:


artifact (Am., Brit. artefact), n [′a:tifækt]

barbarism, n [′babəriz(ə)m]

bronze, n [brɔnz]

hierarchy, n [′haiəra:ki]

Neolithic, adj [‚niə′liθik]

prehistory, n [‚pri:′hist(ə)ri]

urban, adj [′ə:b(ə)n]

Study the following words and expressions:

Barbarian, n [ba:′be(ə)riən] - варвар

civilization, n [‚siv(ə)lai′zei∫(ə)n] - цивилизация

civilize, v [′siv(ə)laiz] - цивилизовать

copper, n [′kวpə] - медь

craftsman, n [′kra:ftsmən] - ремесленник

draft, adj [dra:ft] – тягловый, draft animals – тягловый скот

endeavo(u)r, n [in′devə], [en′devə] – попытка, предприятие

enlighten, v [in′laitən], [en′laitən]– просвещать, обучать

famine, n [′fæmin] – голод

Hebrew, n, adj [′hi:bru:] – еврей, иудей; еврейский

irrigation ditch [‚iri′gei∫(ə)n] [dit∫] – оросительный канал

law-abiding, adj [′lว:ə‚baidiŋ] – законопослушный

plague, n [pleig] – мор, эпидемия; чума

plow (am. Plough), n [plau] - плуг

scarce, adj [skεəs] – недостаточный, скудный

smelt, v [smelt] – плавить, выплавлять, to smelt metal – плавить металл

solar, adj [′səulə] – солнечный, solar calendar – солнечный календарь

stratification, n [‚strætifi′kei∫(ə)n] – стратификация, расслоение

surplus, n [′sə:pləs] – избыток, излишек, остаток

wheeled cart [′wi:ld ′ka:t] – колесная повозка

Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary:

Up to about the year 1860, man's history had been conveniently divided into three distinct epochs: ancient, medieval and modern. After 1860, however, a new expression came into general use to describe the cultures of the distant past. Prehistory was the name given to that period of man's history before written documents appeared. We can now study man's prehistory through the field of archeology. Archeological remains can illuminate how and where early cultures lived, stored food and produced tools. We can learn of their religious practices, political organization and what type of relationships may have existed between people. Human artifacts uncovered by archeologists also reveal the existence of kings, plagues, famine, good harvests, wars and class structure. Of course, the history we obtain from archeological digs is by no means complete, especially when compared with man's more recent history (the past 500 years or so).

When we think of the ancient world, we may perhaps think of the Hebrews, Greeks and Romans. The Hebrews gave us faith and morality; Greece gave us reason, philosophy and science; and Rome gave us law and government. This is, of course, a crude oversimplification, and the reason is obvious. Western civilization developed before Greece or Rome. For instance, 3000 years before the greatest era of Greek history, civilizations flourished in Mesopotamia and in Egypt. These civilizations were urban, productive, religious and law abiding and in all meanings of the word, civilized. A solid working definition of civilization is difficult and depends upon your own judgment. Here are a few textbook definitions:

1. Civilization is a form of human culture in which many people live in urban centers, have mastered the art of smelting metals, and have developed a method of writing.

2. The first civilizations began in cities, which were larger, more populated, and more complex in their political, economic and social structure than Neolithic villages.

3. One definition of civilization requires that a civilized people have a sense of history -- meaning that the past counts in the present.


The Oxford English Dictionary defines civilization as "the action or process of civilizing or of being civilized; a developed or advanced state of human society." Such a definition is fraught with difficulties. For instance, how might we correctly identify a "developed or advanced state of human society"? Developed or advanced compared to what? The OED defines the verb "to civilize" in the following way: "to make civil; to bring out of a state of barbarism; to instruct in the arts of life; to enlighten; to refine and polish." Are we any closer to a working definition?

In 1936, the archeologist V. Gordon Childe published his book Man Makes Himself. Childe identified several elements which he believed were essential for a civilization to exist. He included: the plow, wheeled cart and draft animals, sailing ships, the smelting of copper and bronze, a solar calendar, writing, standards of measurement, irrigation ditches, specialized craftsmen, urban centers and a surplus of food necessary to support non-agricultural workers who lived within the walls of the city. Childe's list concerns human achievements and pays less attention to human organization.

Another historian agreed with Childe but added that a true definition of civilization should also include money collected through taxes, a privileged ruling class, a centralized government and a national religious or priestly class. Such a list, unlike Childe's, highlights human organization. In 1955, Clyde Kluckhohn argued that there were three essential criteria for civilization: towns containing more than 5000 people, writing, and monumental ceremonial centers. Finally, the archeologist and anthropologist Robert M. Adams argued for a definition of civilization as a society with functionally interrelated sets of social institutions: class stratification based on the ownership and control of production, political and religious hierarchies complementing each other in the central administration of territorially organized states and lastly, a complex division of labor, with skilled workers, soldiers and officials existing alongside the great mass of peasant producers.

As historians have often remarked, civilization is a word easier to describe than it is to define. As implied by the above discussion, the word itself comes from the Latin adjective civilis, a reference to a citizen. Citizens willingly bring themselves together in political, social, economic, and religious organizations -- they merge together, that is, in the interests of the larger community. Over time, the word civilization has come to imply something beyond organization -- it refers to a particular shared way of thinking about the world as well as a reflection on that world in art, literature, drama and a host of other cultural happenings. To understand this idea better it is necessary to investigate the origins of civilization.

The historian's task is not an easy one and this is especially the case when dealing with ancient civilizations that rose and fell more than five thousand years ago. Since history is specifically the story of man's written records, the historian of ancient culture must piece together the past from fragments of human endeavor and human achievement. But trying to piece together the past of a culture whose written documents are scarce, makes the historian's task that much more difficult.


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What can we learn with the help of archaeology? What kind of information does it give?

2. When did the ancient civilizations start?

3. What does the definition of civilization include?

4. What arguments did the historians have about this definition?

5. Where does the word “civilization” originate from?

6. What makes the work of a historian more difficult?


Ex. 2. Give Russian equivalents to these expressions:

Ancient epoch

Archeological digs

Division of labour

Priestly class

To define a term

Standards of measurement

Solar calendar

Surplus of food

Urban centre

Ruling class

Ex. 3. Give English equivalents to these expressions:

Религиозные практики

Рабочее определение

Археологические останки

Христианская эра

Средневековая эпоха

Тягловый скот

Древние цивилизации

Плавить металл


Метод письменности

Ex.4. Match the words with their definitions:


1. a barbarian The time in history before anything was written down
2. a solar calendar Someone whose job is to do something using hands
3. pre-history A system of organization in which people or things are divided into levels of importance
4. an artifact A disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people
5. a craftsman A system which divides and measures time with the help of the Sun
6. an irrigation ditch Someone from a different tribe or land, who people believe to be wild and uncivilized
7. plague An object which was made in the past (a tool, a weapon etc.) that was made in the past and is historically important
8. hierarchy A device designed to supply land or crops with water


Ex. 5. Complete the table with the appropriate forms of the words given:


Verb Noun
to barbarize 1. 2.
to enlighten  
to smelt  


Ex. 6. Insert the words and phrases given into the sentences in their correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian:


Greeks Produce tools Urban centres Prehistory Ruling class Morality Artefacts Centralized government Religious hierarchy Ownership


1. The term _________ means the period of distant past before the written documents appeared.

2. The ________ found during the digs can tell us about the way people stored food, _________ _____ and gathered harvests.

3. Such notions as faith and ________, philosophy and science, law and government were introduced by ancient civilizations of Hebrews, __________ and Romans.

4. _______ _______ contained specialized craftsmen and non-agricultural workers, but they didn’t include peasant producers.

5. The privileged _________ _______ could collect money through taxes and organize __________ ________. This system was based on __________.

6. Priestly class stood on the top of _______ __________.



Ex. 5. Translate from Russian into English:

1. До середины XIX в. человеческая история была разделена на три эпохи: древнюю, средневековую и современную.

2. Изучая археологические останки, мы можем узнать о религиозных практиках, политической организации и классовой структуре общества.

3. Процветающие древние сообщества Месопотамии и Египта были цивилизациями городского типа. Они также были религиозными и законопослушными.

4. Чтобы стать цивилизованным, человеческому обществу пришлось выйти из состояния варварства и стать просвещенным.

5. Одними из основных признаков цивилизации являются плуг, колесная повозка, тягловые животные, плавление меди и бронзы, солнечный календарь, письменность и стандарты измерения.

6. Крестьяне, горожане, чиновники и солдаты являются функционально взаимозависимыми элементами городского сообщества.


Ex. 6. Discuss the following question as a group:


Is it possible to give a solid definition of civilization? Why? Why not?



Text B

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