Студопедия — X 1 points) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the Infinitive. Write your answers in the boxes.
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X 1 points) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the Infinitive. Write your answers in the boxes.


Let us (1) … in touch with specialists in Moscow. (to get)

The lecturer wants (2) …. (to understand)

The student wants (3) …. (to understand)

There were a lot of things (4) …. (to see)

He was nowhere (5) …. (to see)




X 1 points) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the Infinitive or Gerund. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the boxes.


1. My watch keeps ….


a: stopping

b: to stop

c: to be stopped

d: to have stopped


2. Why do you keep … back?


a: to look

b: looking

c: to be looking

d: to have looked


3. He was sorry not … the idea earlier.


a: to give up

b: to have given up

c: to be given up

d: giving


4. She confessed … the man before.


a: to see

b: to have seen

c: to be seen

d: seeing


5. It’s quite an interesting suggestion. It is worth ….


a: considering

b: to consider

c: to be considered

d: to have considered


6. He kept … up and she didn’t know what to do about him.


a: to ring

b: to have rung

c: to be rung

d: ringing




1.6. (6 x 1 points) Write the missing word in the gap. The first letter is given to help you. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


a. To i__ (1) __ shares means to make available to investors units of a company's capital on the stock market.

b. A t__ (2) __ is a tax imposed on imported goods.

c. In accounting, everything a company owns is referred to as it’s a__ (3) __.

d. A company's l__ (4) __ are everything it owes.

e. A private company in the US is referred to by the abbreviation I__ (5) __.

f. The process of buying goods and services using the Internet is called e- __ (6) __.




1.7. (4 х 1 points) Complete these sentences with idioms. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


1: I think we have been …. I meant next month, not this month.

2: She dominates all our meetings. Once she starts you can’t ….

3: He never gives you a straight answer. He’s always ….

4: I … that she’s been fired. Is it true?


a: talking at cross purposes

b: get a word in edgeways

c: beating about the bush

d: heard it on the grapevine

e: get straight to the point



Раздел 2.

Английский язык как средство делового общения

2.1. (4 x 1 points) Complete the checklist of the problem-solving process. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


a. assign b. break c. criticize d. draw up e. eliminate f. explore g. invite h. restate





2.2. (5 х 1points) Business communication. Match the ending and beginning of each sentence. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


1: Are there any objections

2: We have succeeded

3: We don’t mind

4: The Buyer complained

5: We are looking forward


a. for our encouraging innovations.

b. in entering a new competitive market.

c. of the goods being damaged during shipment.

d. our partners discussing the proposal again.

e. to our company launching a new product?

f. to your coming again soon.


2.3. (7 х 1 points) In a negotiation, match what you think and what you say in a diplomatic way of expressing yourself. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


What you think


1. We can’t accept it. 2. You said there would be a discount. 3. Don’t forget your obligations. 4. We want a guarantee. 5. That’s wrong.. 6. We’re shocked you expect us to cover the costs. 7. We must finalize the deal today.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 907. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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