Студопедия — What you would say
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What you would say


a. I’m sure we don’t need to remind you of your contractual obligations. b. Unfortunately, we would be unable to accept that. c. We are rather surprised you expect us to cover the costs. d. We understood there would be a discount. e. We would need some sort of guarantee. f. With respect, that’s not quite correct.





Х 1 points) Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate words. Write your answers in the boxes.


MEMO   To: Managing Director From: Personnel Manager Date: 24 April Subject: Job interview results   On 23d April, I interviewed the two most promising applicants for the __ (1) __ of District Manager. The first, John Priestly, has a very good CV and excellent references, both referees emphasizing that he is a good team player. He has had two years in the construction __ (2) __, starting at the bottom and __ (3) __ his way up to a management position. I think he would be a great __ (4) __ to the company. The second, Terry Slocum, has a fairly interesting CV, but hasn’t had as much experience as Mr. Priestly. __ (5) __ presenting himself in an assertive and positive manner, a few questions revealed that he hadn’t done much __ (6) __ into the company background. I also doubt his __ (7) __ to manage large-scale projects, until he has acquired more experience. In conclusion, I would recommend John Priestly for the position of District Manager.  



a. ability b. asset c. dealing d. Despite e. industry f. position g. research h. working




Раздел 3.

Английский язык для академических целей


3.1. (5 points) Read the text about comparison of international commuting time (one way in minutes). What country corresponds to graph 1? Write your answer in the box.



The Japanese spend more time commuting than Europeans and, especially, North Americans. One out of four North Americans spends ten minutes or less commuting, and for two thirds, the journey to work tales less than 30 minutes. Only 24% of North American commuters spend more than 30 minutes going to work and only 8% more than one hour. The majority of Europeans also live within 30 minutes of their workplace or school. The number of commuters who spend between 30 and 60 minutes travelling to work, however, is 33% higher than in North America. In any case, very few Europeans or North Americans commute for more than one hour.



X 1 points) Complete the text with the words from the list. Write your answers in the boxes.


There are many different sorts of business meeting, and how the participants behave varies from country to country. In France meetings are generally use for (1) … and coordination rather than discussing (2) … and (3) … decisions.

Meetings in Italy seem to be the most informal in Europe. They don’t usually follow an (4) … and people often come and go as they please. In fact, sometimes Italian meetings are more like a social gathering, used to reinforce a sense of togetherness.

It is very different in Spain, where meetings do little to create a (5)... spirit. The Spanish prefer to be independent and make decisions on their own. Meetings are often a (6)... of time because it is impossible to get everyone to (7)....


a. briefing b. alternatives c. making d. agenda e. team f. waste g. agree  



Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 615. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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