Студопедия — III. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary.
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III. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary.


1. I was so interested in the book that I didn’t hear the door-bell.

2. John reads a lot of books and very quickly.

3. She wasn’t reading the book thoroughly, she was just turning over the pages.

4. Chris likes to read very much, he’s keen on books.

5. Having read that masterpiece I realized that I was greatly impressed.

6. She read the letter so that nobody could hear her.

7. I don’t usually enjoy poetry but I find these poems very pleasant and easy to read.

8. I read my daughter a story before she goes to bed.

IV. Complete the dialogues with these words.




Ann: Good afternoon, Mary! What! Again you are ………….?  
Mary: Oh you, Ann! I was so absorbed in my ……….. that I didn’t hear you knock. Come in, please.  
Ann: Whenever I come I always find you sitting deep in a book.  
Mary: Well, I take great ………………. in books, you know.  
Ann: And so do I. By the way you read, well, you are simply a ………………, aren’t you? What are you reading?  
Mary: "Jane Eyre" by Bronte. Have you read it?  
Ann: "Jane Eyre"? No, I don’t think I have. Is it a good book?  
Mary: Very. And ………….. too. Do you want to read it?  
Ann: I would like. Are you through with it?  
Mary: Not yet. You may have it in two day’s time if you like.  
Ann: Good. How much have you ……………….. of it?  
Mary: This much. And what are you reading now?  
Ann: A kind of a novel, but it’s just like milk-and-water. What’s this?  
Mary: That’s Fred’s book. One of those detective stories, you know.  
Ann: How can he read such penny dreadfuls!  
Mary: Well, he doesn’t read – he simply …………. through books. He has no patience whatsoever.  
Ann: How do such books find their way into print, I wonder? And the way he handles the book!  
Mary: Yes, I’ve been telling him time after time not to ………. the pages but he will.  
Ann: Say, Mary what’s the name of that dog-eared book over there?  
Mary: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." That’s Fred’s book, too.  
Ann: Can I have it for the time being?  
Mary: I don’t think Fred would ……………... But haven’t you ever read it before?  
Ann: Yes, I have but I’d like to reread it. It was quite a time ago when I first read it and besides its easy reading and ……………. too.  
Mary: Indeed it is.  
Ann: What about going out for a walk?  
Mary: With great ……………... Let’s go.  



Tom: (after taking a glance at Dick’s bookshelves) Can you ……….. me a nice book, Dick? I’m fed up with reading thrillers most of the time.  
Dick: Oh, with pleasure. Have you got anything special in mind or do you want any ……………. author?
Tom: You know I’m not over-particular. But just now I don’t care for anything too serious – I feel tired. Can you give me something for …………….. reading?  
Dick: (after picking out a volume) Is that in your line?  
Tom: The ……………. sounds promising. What’s it all about? Is it worth reading?
Dick: It is. You’re sure to enjoy it. It looks like becoming a ………………... It’s had excellent reviews.  
Tom: Oh, I never go by …………….., you know.  
Dick: But you can do so in this case. It’s a travel story, …………… and quite thrilling into the bargain.  
Tom: Thanks awfully, Dick. I’m looking forward to reading it now. May I ………………. it within a week or so?  
Dick: Yes, of course.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 1027. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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