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Pages built using JSP technology are typically implemented using a translation phase that is performed once, the first time the page is called. The page is compiled into a Java Servlet class and remains in server memory, so subsequent calls to the page have very fast response time whereas in ASP the page is recompiled for every request.
JSP implementations support a Java programming language-based scripting language, which provides inherent scalability and support for complex operations.
Most JSP pages rely on reusable, cross-platform components (JavaBeans or Enterprise JavaBeansTM components) to perform the more complex processing required of the application, instead of relying heavily on scripting within the page itself. Developers can share and exchange components that perform common operations, or make them available to larger customer communities. The component-based approach speeds overall development and lets organizations leverage their existing expertise and development efforts for optimal results.

Development & Deployment

As mentioned earlier, JSP follows the model of separating programming logic from page design through the use of components like JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and custom JSP tags. Assuming that web page developers are not familiar with scripting languages, JSP technology encapsulates much of the functionality required for dynamic content generation in easy-to-use JavaBeans components. The page developer can instantiate JavaBeans components, set or retrieve bean attributes and perform other functions that are otherwise more difficult and time-consuming to code. Microsoft's answer to component architecture relies on COM/DCOM to supplement the ASP technology. Given the complexity involved in developing COM components in VC++ or VB, it is by no means a comparison to the simplicity of JavaBeans, which can be easily developed using Java.

Custom Tag Libraries

The JSP technology is extensible through the development of customized tag libraries. This lets web page developers work with familiar tools and constructs, such as tags, to perform sophisticated functions. ASP does not directly support custom tags like JSP but supports XML.

MVC (Model-View-Controller) or Model 2 Architecture

Separation of Presentation and Business Logic has never been so easy with ASP or JSP. With increasing complexity the pages would clutter with Scriplets and processing code, making it hard to debug or make changes. To counter this problem, the JSP/Servlet's Model 2 architecture was introduced, providing a cleaner approach to code manageability. This is a hybrid approach for serving dynamic content combining the use of Servlets and JSP. It takes advantage of the strengths of both technologies: JSP is used to generate the presentation layer and Servlets to perform process-intensive tasks. The Servlet acts as the controller processing the requests, creating beans (models) or objects used by the JSP, and depending on the user's actions, dispatches the appropriate JSP page to the user. The JSP (view) page, which contains no processing logic, is simply responsible for extracting and inserting the dynamic content from the Servlet into static templates.

The JSP/Servlets Technology to be more than just an answer to Microsoft's ASP technology. JSP has become more robust and scalable with the release of J2EE. With an ever-growing support for the Java technology the JSP solution is gaining prominence and immense respect from the developer community. Its time to break free from the tyranny of Microsoft and embrace the technology from the Open Source world.


17. Do you agree with this article? Give your own opinion on these both technologies.


Св. план 2006, поз. 142


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