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Reading and speaking

Дата добавления: 2014-10-22; просмотров: 691

You are going to read about your educational establishment.

Pre – reading task

1. Check the meaning of these words in your dictionary.,

establishment (n) serving (n)
duke (n) a birthplace (n)
a sugar-refinery (n) to come back (v)
facilities (n) essential (adj)
a foreman (n) to provide (v)


2. Read the words and word – combination with the translation.


it takes me 15 minutes to get to the technical school це займає в мене 15 хвилин добратися до технікуму
at 20 minutes past 8 20 хвилин дев’ятого
to have 4 pairs of lessons a day ми маємо 4 пари кожен день
to make a good progress робити гарні успіхи
term семестр
a specialized room навчальний кабінет
normally як правило
a workshop майстерня
metal – work робота по металу
a laboratory лабораторія
a cloak – room гардероб
to equip обладжувати
a dining їдальня
a gymnasium спортивний зал
a competition змагання


3. Sort out the school subjects given in the box according to the timetable you have this year (had in the final year of your school life). Add any other subjects that you have (had):

Algebra Geometry Home Economy classes Ukrainian Literature Geography
Chemistry English World Literature   Valeology
World Culture History Physical Education (PT) Computer Studies Physics
  Biology Ukrainian Language    


Lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


4. Match the subjects given in exercise 3 to the things they study:

1. This science studies forces or qualities such as heat, light, sound pressure, gravity and electricity and the way they affect objects. ______

2. A branch of mathematics in which letters are used to present possible quantities. _____

3. The study of the world, land formation, climate, seas, towns and population. ______

4. The scientific study of the characteristics and composition of substances and the way they react with other substances. ______

5. Sports and games. ______

6. A mathematical science concerned with the measurement of lines, angles, curves and shapes. ______

7. Classes that teach students to use electronic machines that can quickly make calculations, store and rearrange information. ______

8. A subject that deals with the past. ______

9. A study of novels, plays and poetry. ______

10. The science which is concerned with the study of living beings. _____

11. A science that studies a system of a communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country for talking or writing. _______

12. Classes where students get knowledge how to lead a healthy life. ______


Read the text

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