рос | укр

Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка


АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія

Практичне заняття №1 - Статистична оцінка небезпечиних і шкідливих чинників для життя людини.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 583

what, that, who, which, because (потому что), that's why (поэтому), when, where, whether, though (хотя).


1. I met the girl ... works in our restaurant.

2. He can't go to work today ... he is ill.

3. She says ... her mother cooks very well.

4. My sister always does ... she wants.

5. I don't know ... she works in the shop or at the restaurant.

6. He doesn't say ... the train arrives.

7. It was the town ... we had lived before.

8. They decided to finish the work ... it was nearly midnight.

9. We decided to congratulate you on your birthday personally ... we have come.

10. Have you seen the book ... was on the table?


Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме (Present Indefinite или Future Indefinite).


1. I'll give this book to you when I (to finish) reading it. 2. We don't know when she (to come). 3. If I don't feel well tomorrow, I (to stay) at home. 4. We'll go to the party if they (to invite) us. 5. Do you mind if I (to close) the window. 6. I (to make) dinner myself tomorrow if I come home late. 7. If you (to get up) earlier, please make coffee for me. 8. They (to understand) if you can't come to the party.


Вставьте вместо точек who, that, или which


1. The woman ... phoned didn't say her name.

2. What's the name of the restaurant ... is next to our house?

3. I don't like people ... come to me without invitation.

4. The waiter ... served us yesterday wasn't very friendly.

5. You always ask me questions ... are difficult to answer.

6. Everybody ... comes to our cafe enjoy our meals very much.

7. Have you seen the bag ... was on this chair?



Числительные обозначают количество или порядок предметов и делятся на количественные и порядковые.

Количественныечислительные обозначают количество и отвечают на вопрос how many? сколько?

one-один, five-пять и тд.

Порядковые числительные обозначают порядок предметов и отвечают на вопрос which? который?

the first-первый, the fifth-пятый и т.д.

Обратите особое внимание на написание следующих числительных: thirteen, fifteen; twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.



Количественные Порядковые
1-12 13-19 (суффикс – teen) 20-90 (суффикс –ty)  
1-one 13-thirteen 20-twenty 1-the first
2-two 14-fourteen 30-thirty 2-the second
3-three 15-fifteen 40-forty 3-the third
4-four 16-sixteen 50-fifty 4-the fourth
5-five 17-seventeen 60-sixty 5-the fifth
6-six 18-eiqhteen 70-seventy 13-the thirteenth
7-seven 19-nineteen 80-eiqhty 15-the fifteenth
8-eiqht   90-ninety 20-the twentieth
9-nine     21-the twenty-first
10-ten     30-the thirteenth
11-eleven     40-the fortieth
12-twelve     100-the hundredth


<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Допомога при термічних ураженнях. | Короткі теоретичні відомості
<== 1 ==> | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
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