Студопедия — Тест № 5. Глагол to be ( part 3 )
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Тест № 5. Глагол to be ( part 3 )

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. There ______ a telex on the table.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



2. There ______ much work last week.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



3. ______ there much mail on the desk?

Yes, there _____.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



4. There ______ a conference next week.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



5. _______ there many accountants in your firm?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



6. There _______ a good crop in Russia this year.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



7. ______ there a meeting at the enterprise yesterday?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



8. _____ there a telephone in your office?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



9. There ______ few letters in the mail for you today.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be



10. ______ there a store close to our Bank?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

Teст 6. Глагол to do (part 1)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to do:

1. She ……. most of her writing on a computer.

a) do b) does


2. Machines …….. most of work yesterday.

a) did b) have done


3...…….. you have a computer?

a) do b) does


4. He always ……… his job well.

a) do b) does


5. What ……. she want to do?

a) do b) does


6. ……. you speak English?

a) do b) does


7. The company ought …… something about the poor service.

a) to do b) do


8. She …….. economics at Sheffield some years ago.

a) did b) have done



9. She …… well out of the deal today.

a) have done b) has done


10. What ……… you do for a living?

a) does b) do


Тест 7. Глагол to do (part 2)

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. What ______ the manager do in the office in the afternoon?

а) do b) does c) –



2. How often _____ Harry meet customers?

а) do b) does c) –



3. How much ______ your computer cost?

а) do b) does c) –



4. What _____ Nokia make?

а) do b) does c) –



5. Where _____ you work?

а) do b) does c) –



6. How long ______ he want to stay in his job?

а) do b) does c) –



7. ______ they earn enough?

а) do b) does c) –



8. What time _____ the secretary finish work?

а) do b) does c) –


9. Who _______ borrows and lends money?

а) do b) does c) –



10. _____ you often read such advertisements?

а) do b) does c) –



Teст 8. Глагол to have

Выберите нужную форму глагола to have:

1. She ……. a day-off every week.

a) have b) has



2. I …… a good job last year.

a) have b) had



3. They ………. orders next week.

a) will have b) have



4. Recently we ………… the acknowledgement of debt.

a) have received b) had received



5. Inflation …….. got out of control.

a) has b) have



6. Do you ……. to travel on business?

a) has b) have



7. He ……. to get up early.

a) has b) have



8. I ……… a holiday last year.

a) haven’t b) didn’t have



9. The decision ……… to be made by senior management.

a) has b) have



10. This system software ………… to be very reliable.

a) has proved b) have prove


Тест № 9. The Personal Pronouns

Выберите правильный вариант ответа, заменяя выделенные слова личными местоимениями:


1. Adam Smith is often called the Father of Modern Economics.

a) it b) they c) he


2. Economists like to make theories.

a) they b) she c) he


3. The government puts higher taxes on petrol.

a) you b) it c) they


4.In some parts of Africa the traditional economy still exists.

a) it b) he c) you


5. People consume almost everything they produce.

a) he b) it c) they


6. Aristotle did not use the word economics.

a) it b) you c) he


7. In the traditional economy men are hunters & farmers.

a) I b) they c) he


8. Microeconomics looks at how the details of the economy work.

a) it b) you c) they


9. Some shops won`t accept credit cards.

a) they b) it c) we


10. Inflation can happen for a number of reasons.

a) they b) it c) you



Тест № 10. The Possesive Pronouns

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. The north-east of England was famous for ……… shipbuilding industry.

a) his b) its c) her


2. A man can leave …………… job and look for another one that suits him.

a) his b) your c) her


3. Some farm workers get most of …….. work in summer.

a) its b) their c) her


4. She explain how she had lost ………………job.

a) my b) your c) her


5. A nation’s wealth depended on …………….. owning precious metals.

a) its b) my c) their


6. Merchants were people who made …………… money through the buying and

selling goods.

a) his b) your c) their


7. When you have collected the evidence, you are ready to test ……….. theory.

a) ----- b) your c) its


8. Each good has ………… own utility value for the consumer.

a) their b) its c) my


9. The price of goods is not always the same as ……….. real cost.

a) their b) its c) my


10.Consumers want satisfaction from …………………….. resources (time and


a) her b) its c) their


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