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1. Перша українська електронна бібліотека підручників/з екрану/ http://pidruchniki.com.ua/12590605/pedagogika/metodi_formi_organizatsiyi_navchannya_vischiy_shkoli

2. В.Л. Ортинський «Педагогіка вищої школи»

3. Педагогіка у запитаннях і відповідях - Кузьмінський А.І

4. Бібліотекаонлайн Конспект лекцій «Педагогіка»Предмет «Педагогіка»/Поняття про форми навчання/ зекрану/ http://readbookz.com/book/172/5456.html

5. Пидкасистый П.И. Организация учебно - познавательной деятельности студентов. Учебное пособие.- М.: Педагогическое общество России, 2004. - 112 с.

6. Організація самостійної роботи студентів/ Зазаг.ред. В.М. ороль, В.П. Мусієнко, Н.Т. Токової.- Черкаси

7. Есипов Б.П. Самостоятельная работа учащихся на уроках.- Москва: Государственное учебно- педагогическое издательство министерства просвещения РСФСР, 1961. – 239 с.



Педагогічна психологія


Complex Teaching Programme

Syllabus Assignments

Навчально-методичний комплекс

для студентів

Інституту психології та соціально-політичних наук

Compiled by:

Oksuta V.O.







Abramian N.D.


Discussed and approved at the Department of Psychology

Minutes No: 1, dated August, 27, 2010


Discussed and approved at the Department of German Languages

Minutes No: 1, dated August, 27, 2010




The aim of the course "Pedagogical psychology" is defined - to form students in the appropriate level of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of educational psychology; system of knowledge about the features of psychological and educational effects of the teacher to student; disclosure laws pedagogical psychological influences on the intellectual, emotional and sensual, strong-willed, motivational, physical and physiological development of the individual student and determine his mental mechanisms, psychological study of teaching of teachers, psychological patterns of different conceptual approaches to organizing and implementing training and educational processes, disclosure of psychological relationships between learning and samouchinnyam, education and self-education, development and self-study student and their optimal mental mechanisms.

The objective of the course "Gender differences are: general psychological study of patterns of, development, establishment and development of the person in the student training process; study of optimal psychological and educational effects, which provide student subjectivity in educational processes and conditions of an -sub 'comprehension of relations between teacher and student in this process, the disclosure of psychological aspects of pedagogical influence on the intellectual, emotional, sensual, strong-willed, motivational, physical and physiological development of the individual student and to ascertain their mental mechanisms, the definition of communication, interconnection communication, mutual influence between different areas of study students and their mental mechanisms.


As a result of studying the course students should to know:

-psychological aspects of training, education and development of students in various educational institutions;

-a history of development of individual student educational process;

-structure and specific learning activities of students and psychological features their mastery of knowledge, skills and knowledge of their professional interests, motives and motivations;

-psychological characteristics of personality of the teacher and the ways of the pedagogical skills;

-psychological features of professional activities;

– -psychological features of pedagogical communication in the educational process. be able to:

– -apply the knowledge gained in the practice of social work, psychological care, psychological consultation in the education system and social assistance;

– -solve the problem of psycho-pedagogical content related to the problems of the educational process in various educational institutions;

– - to carry out psychological assessment of the main problems of the educational process in various educational institutions;

– -psychological-pedagogical make individual student learning and determine the main directions of its formation and development in the pedagogical process;

--set of subject-subject relationship between participants of educational process.


Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 112. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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