Студопедия — Exercise 6. Answer the questions
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Exercise 6. Answer the questions

1. Do you like to study? If not, why not? If so, when and where do you like to study?

2. What helps you to learn the most in class?

3. What ways to study do you know?

4. Which ones do you use?

Exercise 7. You are going to watch a video about ways to study. What three great ways to study are mentioned?

Exercise 8. Are these sentences true or false? Watch the whole video and check your answers.

1. There are many kinds of computer programs to help students, but the Internet is not very useful for research.

2. Technology offers more flexibility in when we study.

3. Technology does not really help students who are learning languages.

4. Studying in groups is better than studying alone.

5. Large groups are better than small groups for studying.

6. Few universities offer tutors to help struggling students


Exercise 9. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with words from the box. Then, watch the part about 1 way to study and check your answers.

Assignments check computer Interactive Internet library papers research study

Voice-over: Imagine a world where you use typewriters to write 1) ____________, and the 2) ___________ didn`t exist. Great way to study number one. 3)____________ technology and computers. Now, all kinds of 4) ______________ programmes are available to help you do work and 5) ____________, and, of course, the Internet could be a great 6) ___________ tool. Technology gives us more flexibility in how we do research and when we study.

Student 1: My computer is actually like having a 7) ____________ in my own room.

Voice-over: Aids, such as computers, help us produce higher quality 8) __________.

Student 2: I could use my computer to do research, and also I can put graphs and pictures onto my assignments. I can use spelling error 9) _______________.

Exercise 10. Here are some sentences from the video, but some words have been left out. Listen carefully the 2 and 3 parts and fill in the missing words from the box. Be careful, there are some extra words

If to you time group of your papers going members

a) ____ ______ study in a group, _____ _____ _________ are ______ ____ require you to read the material ahead ___ _____…

If to tutor difficult having probably materials understanding of tutor going benefit from you’ll

b) ___ you`re _______ a hard time ___________ some ________ _______, ______ probably _______ ______ great way to study number three. Working with a _______ or mentor.

If a feels to the go university from mentor could student he

c) ___ __ _______ ______ that he needs help, ____ _______ ____ _____ ____ ___________ student center and ask about tutoring services on campus.

Exercise 11. Do you remember what the people said in the video? Sum up their ideas in your own words.

Exercise 12. Read the text to have a general understanding and get ready to explain what “Educating yourself for the future” means.


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