Студопедия — Введение. Попробуем применить систему частиц для имитации льющейся из трубы воды, падающей в наполненный водой бассейн
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Введение. Попробуем применить систему частиц для имитации льющейся из трубы воды, падающей в наполненный водой бассейн


1. Russian Hors d’Oeuvres

2. Tongue in Aspic

3. Shchi

4. Fish Soup with Rasstegai

5. Okroshka

6. Solyanka

7. Pelmeni

8. Braised Beef in the Pot

9. Pozharsky Rissoles

10. Baked Sturgeon with mushrooms

11. Stuffed Duck

12. Guryev Pudding

13. Kulebyaka

14. Blini

15. Kissel




Hors d’Oeuvres

I. Read the words:

- sturgeon - осетр

- salmon - лосось

- assorted meats - мясное ассорти

- nobleman - дворянин

- ceps - белые грибы

- milk agarics - грузди

- saffron milk-caps - рыжики

- chanterelles - лисички

- cow mushrooms - маслята

- honey agarics - опята

- sunflower oil - подсолнечное масло

- sour cream - сметана

- tangy - резкий, острый

- wholesome - полезный, здоровый

- herring - сельдь

- jellied dishes - заливные блюда

- beetroot - свекла

- carrot – морковь

- dill – укроп

- parsley – петрушка

- mushrooms - грибы


II. Read after the speaker and translate:

1. - hors d’oeuvres

- begins with hors d’oeuvres

- Lunch in a Russian home begins with hors d’oeuvres.


2. - to be astonished

- you will first of all be astonished

- You will first of all be astonished at the variety of mushrooms.


3. - undoubtedly

- you will undoubtedly see salted cucumbers

- Next to the mushrooms you will undoubtedly see salted cucumbers.


4. - vinegar

- seasoned with vinegar

- This salad is made from boiled vegetables and seasoned with vinegar.


5. - steep

- steeping it in brine

- by chopping it and steeping it in brine

- Preserve cabbage by chopping it and steeping it in brine.


III. Read the text:

Hors d’Oeuvres

Lunch in a Russian home always begins with hors d'oeuvres. This normally means one or two side dishes, such as vegetable salad and assorted meats. But for a special occasion, when guests are expected, the table literally groans under the weight of hors d'oeuvres.

Everyone the world over knows such popular Russian hors d'oeuvres as black and red caviar, sturgeon and salm­on. You will find them next to various dishes which you probably don't know, but which in centuries past were com­mon fare for both the nobleman and the ordinary peasant. These dishes are still popular today, and if a Russian family invites you to a special lunch, this is what you are likely to see.

You will first of all be astonished at the variety of mush­rooms: ceps, milk agarics, saffron milk-caps, chanterelles, cow mushrooms, honey agarics, either pickled or salted, served with onions and sunflower oil or with sour cream. You cannot claim to know what Russian hors d'oeuvres are if you have not tasted their tangy flavour. Next to the mushrooms you will undoubtedly see salted cucumbers and tomatoes, and sauerkraut. From ancient times cabbage has been noted for its wholesomeness. The Romans even called it food of the gods. But it was the Slavs who discovered how to preserve cabbage by chopping it and steeping it in brine.

Russian hors d'oeuvres invariably include herring, which is sometimes soaked in milk to give it a milder, more deli­cate taste. The herring is usually served with hot boiled potatoes. Russian vinaigrette salad always makes a splash of colour on the table. This is a salad made from boiled vege­tables and seasoned with vinegar.

The table will also be laden, of course, with fresh vegetables, various salads, jellied dishes and assorted meats and fish. By the time you have tried everything you will be feeling very full — only to discover that these were only the starters, and that the proper lunch is still to come.

If you feel like trying your hand at Russian hors d'oeu­vres, why not make Russian Salad Vinaigrette. Cube some boiled potatoes, beetroots and carrots and also 2 or 3 salted cucumbers. Chop 100 grammes of onions or spring onions. Rinse and press out the liquid from 100 grammes of sauer­kraut. Combine all the ingredients. Season with sunflower oil and vinegar, salt and pepper to taste and mix.

Garnish the salad with onion rings, sliced hard-boiled eggs, dill and parsley.

IV. Find English equivalents of Russian expressions in the text:

- стол буквально ломится

- дворянин и обычный крестьянин

- острый вкус

- вымачивать в молоке

- яркое пятно на столе

- пища богов

- заправлять подсолнечным маслом

- смешивать все ингредиенты

- настоящий обед еще впереди


V. Read the definition and give the translation of the verbs:

- to cube - to cut something into cubes

- to chop - to cut into small pieces

- to rinse - to clean/wash using fresh water

- to season with - to give special taste to a food by adding salt, pepper

- to slice - to cut into thin flat pieces

- to garnish - to add something to improve the appearance or taste of food


VI. Agree or disagree with the statement:

1. Russian hors d’oeuvres mean one or two side dishes, such as vegetable salad or assorted meats.

2. The most popular Russian hors d’oeuvre is black or red caviar.

3. Herring is soaked in melted butter to give it more delicate taste.

4. Beetroot is called food of the gods by the Romans.

5. Vinaigrette is seasoned with sunflower oil and vinegar.

6. Vinaigrette is usually garnished with fresh fruits.



VII. Complete the sentences:

1. The variety of mushrooms are used in Russian cooking, such as ….

2. Next to the mushrooms you will see ….

3. The herring is usually served with ….

4. Vinaigrette is a salad made from ….

5. You should season your vinaigrette with ….

6. Your vinaigrette should be garnished with ….


VIII. Food suitable for hors d’oeuvres includes:

- vegetables - asparagus, tomatoes, artichokes, olives, melons, radishes;

- meat - salami, ham, chicken, kabana, cold beef, pate;

- fish - mussels, smoked oyster, smoked salmon, herrings, lobster, sardines, anchovies, caviar;

- combined foods - stuffed eggs, stuffed vine leaves, potato salad, egg mayonnaise.


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