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When comparing manmade cast stone products to quarried stone, three factors need to be taken into consideration: Time, Cost and Durability.

When making cut stone parts with intricate design work, such as a Corinthian capital, the same amount of time is involved in reproducing each individual part.

When using cast stone, once the original design work is complete on the first stone produced, the time is dramatically reduced on all following cast stones produced. Because of the speed and ease of producing additional pieces, the cost is substantially lower as well.

Cast stone is more durable than natural limestone due to the process by which it is produced. By hand-forging each part, casted stone gains strength and durability without the air pockets that are common in natural stone.

21 Topics for projects and presentations:

1. Stone masonry constructions.

2. Interior stone.

3. Exterior stone.

4. Engineered stone.

5. Architectural cast stone.


“Color theory provides a framework for understanding the behavior and meaning of colors.”

Matthew Frederick (architect)

Unit 7



Figure 7.1 Varnishes and Paints

1 Match the terms with definitions:

1. paint a) a commercially produced substance for colouring
2. colour b) a substance used for removing an unwanted stain, mark, or coating from a surface
3. varnish c) a substance used to give something a particular colour
4. wood stain d) a coloured substance which is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective coating
5. remover e) resin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood, metal, or other materials to form a hard, clear, shiny surface when dry

2 Read the following passages and offer your ideas to complete them:

· A wood stain can enhance the natural beauty of any wood species, from hardwoods to soft and porous woods like cedar or redwood. There is a perfect stain for every project, but using the wrongwood stain will have upsetting results that isn’t easy to fix later…

· Appropriate interior paint colors can revitalize every surface of your home, from the walls and ceilings to the doors, paneling, and trim. Thousands of combinations are available…

· Clear wood finishes are both beautiful and tuff, providing a high degree of chemical and abrasion resistance. All act as a wood sealer, protecting the wood fibres from water and cleaning chemicals. They can be applied to…

Black and white
Grass is always greener on the other side
3 Discuss the following idioms:


Write a paraphrase of each idiom.Say whether you agree or not, and why.


4 a) Transcribe the following words:

Varnishes, specification, ceiling, exposure, oxidize, vinyl, hydrocarbon, ester, barite, zinc, copper naphthenate, dichlorofluanid, tribiborate, hexylene, glycol, octaborate, tetrahydrate, ultraviolet, polyurethane, beeswax, larch.

b) In what context do you think the following words and phrases will appear in the text?

•color system •1950 colors •six pure colors •blend of components •paint film •solidify by drying •pigments •preservative basecoat •penetrate •protection from weathering

c) Read the text and check your answers:

Figure 7. 2 Natural Color System®© http: //ncscolour.com/

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