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Water is the source of all life 1)_____ Earth, and yet 1.3 billion people do not have access 2)_____ safe drinking water. Furthermore, water is implicated 3)_____ 80 percent of all sickness and disease 4)_____ the World Health Organization. And less than 1 percent 5) _____ the world’s drinking water is actually fit 6)_____ drinking. If the world’s water were compressed 7)_____ a single gallon, only 4 ounces would be fresh. Of that, only two drops would be easily accessible, and only one would be suitable 8)_____ human use.

Researchers 9)_____ Queensland University of Technology use titanium nanoparticles to create an environmentally-friendly water purification system 10)_____ twice the efficiency of current materials (Figure 12.5).

Figure12.5 Water Purification System at Queensland University of Technology


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12 Translate into Russian without a dictionary:

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) consists of a suite of rating systems for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings, homes and neighborhoods.

Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), and spearheaded by LEED founding chairman Robert K. Watson, LEED is intended to provide building owners and operators a concise framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.

Since its inception in 1998, the U.S. Green Building Council has grown to encompass more than 7, 000 projects in the United States and 30 countries covering over 1.501 billion square feet (140 km²) of development area. The hallmark of LEED is that it is an open and transparent process where the technical criteria proposed by USGBC members are publicly reviewed for approval by the almost 20, 000 member organizations that currently constitute the USGBC.

The Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) was established by USGBC to provide a series of exams to allow individuals to become accredited for their knowledge of the LEED rating system. This is recognized through either the LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP) or LEED Green Associate(LEED Green Assoc.) designation. GBCI also provides third-party certification for projects pursuing LEED.



13 Audio ”Passive Homes Save Energy, Money”.

a) Listen to the information twice and do the assignments below (1-10):

1. What does energy mean?

a) usable power that comes from heat or electricity

b) the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things

2. What does efficient mean?

a) able to do something without wasting materials, time, or energy

b) able to do something with a lot of hard work

c) not able to do something

3. What does “specialized” mean?

a) unable to be used

b) made or used for many different purposes

c) made or used for one particular purpose

4. Look at the title “Passive' Homes Save Energy, Money”. What is this article about?

a) an old kind of home that is worse

b) a new kind of home that is better

c) a new kind of home that is worse

5. What two things use the most energy in American homes?

6. Read the following sentence. Is it true or false? If it is false, correct the mistake:

“It is very difficult to decrease the use of energy in homes today”.

7. What does David Peabody do?

8. What is the aim of a passive home?

9. Does a passive home have to look different from a regular home? What does David Peabody say about the way a passive home can look?

10. What are some examples of specialized materials that are used in passive homes?


b) Use the information about passive homes from the article you’ve listened to describe your dream passive home. What materials does it use? How efficient is it? Write 5-8 sentences explaining your answer.


14 Watch the video and present the main idea of each episode in 4-5 sentences using the expressions from Appendix 2.


15 Render the text in English using the expressions from Appendix 2:

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 627. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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