Студопедия — B) Find 5 sentences in the text with the given word-combinations
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B) Find 5 sentences in the text with the given word-combinations



Exercise 17

Choose the suitable word and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Barristers prepare (petitions, pleadings) and other documents needed in the legal process.

2. The function of barristers is to (direct, conduct) cases in court.

3. The function of a solicitor is the giving of (lawful, legal) advice on a wide variety of questions.

4. A solicitor has the right of audience as a (n) (pleader, advocate) in magistrates' courts and the county courts.

5. A solicitor may (act, operate) for his client who is selling property. And this particular skill is known as conveyancing.

6. Conveyancing, probate and litigation are the three main fields of (action, activity) of a solicitor, but there is no limit to the topics which may find their way to his office.

7. All barristers spend a lot of time at paper work apart from the (presentation, introduction) of cases in court.

8. The division of the legal (profession, employment) into barristers on the one hand and solicitors on the other hand, has been traced back to about 1340.

9. All practicing barristers are junior (counsellors, counsels) unless they have been appointed Queen's Counsels (Q.C.).

Exercise 18

Choose the correct ending to the sentences:

1. The barrister is usually thought of primarily as an advocate

a) because he is familiar to the public in his role as general legal adviser;

b) because people may call at his office and receive his advice in personal interview;

c) because he is a specialist defence counsel;

d) this is the work in which he is most often engaged.

2. The solicitors may form partnerships, which give them the opportunity

a) to have the right of audience as an advocate before all the superior courts;

b) to be a general practitioner;

c) to be an advocate in the inferior courts;

d) to specialise to some extent.


Language Focus

Contrasting and comparing

Exercise 19

a) Make up sentences, using the information below:

Functions Solicitor Barrister
dealing with clients directly indirectly (via)
speaking in court inferior superior
forming partnership yes no
representing a party in court defence defence prosecution


b) Compare the rights and duties of barristers and solicitors, using the following models:

like/ unlike + N

in contrast to +N

S+V, but S+V

e.g. Unlike barristers, the solicitors can form partnerships.



Exercise 20

Writing. Divide the text into three logical parts. Find in each part key sentences, containing the main information. Write a summary of the text (180 words).


Exercise 21

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