Студопедия — Civil courts
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Civil courts

Civil cases at first instance are heard in the County Courts (for minor claims) or the High Court, which is divided into three divisions: Queen's Bench [6], Family and Chancery. Cases may be appealed to the Court of Appeal (Civil Division). Cases may be appealed from the County Court to the High Court.

The work of the Queen's Bench Division consists mainly of claims for: damages in respect of personal injury, negligence, breach of contract, libel and slander non-payment of a debt etc.

The House of Lords used to be the supreme court of appeal. Its judicial functions are quite separate from its legislative work, and cases are heard by up to 13 senior judges known as the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary [7], or Law Lords. It shares its function as the supreme appellate court with.

However the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 provides for the establishment of a Supreme Court to replace the judicial function of the House of Lords with an independent appointments system, thereby making a constitutional separation between the legislature and the judiciary.

Criminal courts

Criminal cases are heard at first instance in the Magistrates' Courts, with more serious ones being hears in the Crown Court. Appeals are heard in the Court of Appeal Criminal Division.


Answer the following questions.

1) How many legal systems actually are there in the UK? What law applies in Northern Ireland?

2) What is the difference between common law and civil law?

3) What significant changes occurred in UK legal system in October 2009?

4) What courts does the Supreme Court of England and Wales comprise? What courts deal with

civil and criminal cases? Do the Northern Ireland Courts follow a different pattern?

5) What are the chief courts within the legal system of Scotland?

6) What is the highest court of appeal for several independent Commonwealth countries? What

cases does it hear?

8) What cases are heard in the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal? What kind of jurisdiction

do the Employment tribunals have?

9) Where can civil cases for minor claims be heard? What are the constituents of the High Court? What court should be appealed if the claimant is dissatisfied with the ruling of the County Court?

10) What claims are supposed to be dealt with in the Queen's Bench Division?

11) What did the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 provide for?

12) Where can a criminal case be heard? What cases are heard in the Crown Court? Where do defendants appeal in case of miscarriages of justice?


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 720. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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