Студопедия — Vocabulary. . I. Translate the words of the same root; define what part of speech they belong to: discover - discovery; physics - physicist - physical; chemist - chemical. II. Read the following international words. Guess their meaning
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Vocabulary. . I. Translate the words of the same root; define what part of speech they belong to: discover - discovery; physics - physicist - physical; chemist - chemical. II. Read the following international words. Guess their meaning

be employed in agriculture (industry, etc.) быть занятым в сельском хозяйстве (промышленности и т.п.)
employ smb. нанимать кого-л.
agriculture сельское хозяйство
mining горнодобывающая промышленность
manufacturing обрабатывающая промышленность
manufactured goods промышленные товары
per head of population на душу населения
apart from smth. помимо, кроме чего-л.
research научно-исследовательская работа, научные исследования
labour-saving machine машина, экономящая труд
in the past few years за последние несколько лет
scientist ученый
plant завод
make a discovery делать открытие
labour productivity производительность труда
do away with smth. покончить с чем-л., ликвидировать что-л.
physics физика
chemistry химия
distribute smth. распределять что-л.
unevenly неравномерно
enterprise предприятие
grain зерно, зерновые культуры

I. Translate the words of the same root; define what part of speech they belong to:
discover - discovery; physics - physicist - physical; chemist - chemical - chemistry; distribute - distributor - distributive - distribution - distributable; even - evenly - unevenly; manufacture - manufacturer - manufacturing; employ - employee - employer - employment; mine - miner - mining; export - exporter - exportation; depend - dependable - dependent - dependence - dependency.

II. Read the following international words. Guess their meaning. Look them up in a dictionary to make sure you are right:
nouns: exporter, import, industry, farm, position, banker, product, program, economy, centre, colony, instrument, chemicals, tendency, reactor;
adjectives: electrical, industrial, imperialist, characteristic, electronic, synthetic, atomic.

III. Read the text British Economy. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:
быть занятым в промышленности, производительность труда, промышленные товары, на душу населения, делать открытие, за последние несколько лет, полезные ископаемые, сырьё, дешевые товары, товары высокого качества, новые отрасли промышленности, квалифицированный труд, ведущая империалистическая держава, судостроительная промышленность, характерная черта.

IV. Translate the text 'British Economy'.

V. Finish the phrases, choosing the necessary words in brackets.

1. Great Britain is rich in... (oil; gold; copper; silver; iron ore; zinc; coal). 2. Great Britain has to import... (coal; agricultural products; electrical goods; chemicals; electronic equipment; oil; various metals; food products; cotton; timber; tobacco; wheat; fruit). 3. When the world demand for the products of Britain's main industries - textiles, coal and machinery - decreased, it began seeking compensation in new engineering products, such as... (cars; atomic power reactors; electrical goods; electronic equipment). 4. It is characteristic of Britain's industry to produce... (semifinished goods; cheap articles; raw materials; high quality expensive goods; articles requiring skilled labour; precision instruments; electronic equipment). 5.The main products of Britain's industry are... (precision instruments; high quality consumer goods; electronic equipment; chemicals; textiles; ready-made clothing; manufactured goods; petrol). 6. A great number of new industries were added to the traditional ones such as... (the aircraft industry; the textile industry; the electronic industry; the shipbuilding industry; the automobile industry; mining; engineering). 7. The main crops grown in Britain are... (flax; cotton; wheat; barley; tobacco; oats). 8. In Britain they breed... (cattle, that is cows and oxen; horses; sheep; pigs; goats; deer; rabbits).

VI. Put the questions, the answers to which are the following sentences.
1. No, it isn’t. Apart from coal and iron ore Great Britain has very few natural resources. 2. It imports raw materials for its industries such as oil and various metals. It also imports agricultural products. 3. It is a shortage of raw materials that makes it unprofitable for British industry to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles. 4. It produces articles requiring skilled labour such as precision instruments, transport engineering equipment, electronic equipment, chemicals and high quality consumer goods. 5. It’s widely dispersed, not concentrated in one area. 6. Cattle, sheep and pigs. 7. Wheat, barley and oats. 8. Where the soil is less fertile.

VII. Finish the questions and answer them.
1. Does Great Britain live by agriculture or...? 2. Does Great Britain export raw materials or...? 3. Did the world demand for the products of Britain's main industries after World War I increase or...? 4. Did Britain's share in the world industrial output increase as a result of the crisis of 1929-1933 or...? 5. Does Britain's industry produce high quality goods or...? 6. Is Britain's industry located in one area or...? 7. Is Britain still a mighty colonial power it used to be or has she lost...?

VIII. Put alternative questions and answer them.
1. It does not export raw materials, it imports them. 2. The world demand for the products of Britain's traditional industries has decreased. 3. It's characteristic of British industry to produce high quality expensive goods, not cheap articles. 4. It is not concentrated in one area, it is widely dispersed. 5. Automation is introduced both in heavy and in light industries.

IX. Finish the sentences.
1. Great Britain is rich in... 2. Great Britain has to import... 3. When the world demand for the products of Britain's main industries decreased it began seeking compensation in... 4. The characteristic feature of Britain's industry is production of... 5. The main products of Britain's industry are... 6. Britain's industry is widely dispersed, but it is still possible to point out the following concentrations of industry... 7. A great number of new branches were added to the traditional industries such as...

X. Answer the questions.
1. What natural resources does Great Britain have? 2. What raw materials does Great Britain import? 3. What does Great Britain export? 4. What did the crisis of 1929-1933 bring about? 5. What is the characteristic feature of Britain's industry? 6. Why is it unprofitable for Great Britain to produce semifinished goods or cheap articles? 7. What are the main articles produced by British industry? 8. What are the main industrial centres of Great Britain? 9. What are Britain's main industries? 10. What can you say about Britain's agriculture?

XI. Correct the statements which do not correspond to the reality.
1. Great Britain is an agricultural country. 2. Great Britain is rich in natural resources, such as oil, copper, zinc and others. 3. Great Britain exports raw materials to other countries. 4. After World War I the world demand for the products of Britain's main industries - textiles, coal and machinery - increased greatly. 5. As a result of the crisis of 1929-1933 Britain's share in the world industrial output became greater. 6. The crisis of 1929-1933 brought about mass unemployment. 7. When World War II came to an end, the USA found itself dependent, financially and economically, on Great Britain. 8. Very few people are employed in the mining and manufacturing industries in Great Britain. 9. Britain's industry produces mostly very cheap low quality goods. 10. A shortage of raw materials makes it profitable for Great Britain to produce semifinished goods and cheap articles. 11. No emphasis is made on the development of war industry. 12. Britain's industry is concentrated in one area. 13. All Britain's industries and services have been nationalised.

XII. Translate into English in written form.

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