Студопедия — Task 13. Choose the right sentences
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Task 13. Choose the right sentences

Robert Burns’ birthday - of Scotland’s greatest poet – is on January, 25.

Thousands of people drink a toast to Robert Burns memory.

The dinner is followed by dancing, pipe music, and reciting Burns’ poems.

Every year the anniversary of William’s Shakespeare birth is celebrated in Stratford-upon-Avon.

People go to the church where everyone puts flowers at the poet’s grave.

Leading musicians’ music is heard at the Edinburgh International Festival.

Foreigners should follow Englishman’s’ traditions in Britain.


Task 14. Choose the right answer to the questions:

1. Where are Burns clubs situated?

a) in Britain;

b) in Great Britain and in other countries;

c) in Scotland.

2. When was the first Burns club founded?

a) during the poet’s life;

b) in 1802.

3. What national musical instrument is played in Scotland?

a) a bagpipe;

b) a drum;

4. What famous song has R. Burns written?

a) “A red, red Rose”

b) “Auld Lang Syne”

5. When was the Edinburgh International Festival first opened?

a) in 1947;

b) in 1922.

Task 15. Complete the sentences with suitable continuations:

1. The anniversary of W. Shakespeare’s birth is marked....

2. Shakespeare’s birthplace is situated....

3. The main street in Stratford-upon-Avon is decorated with....

4. People walk along the streets to....

5. Englishmen celebrate Shakespeare’s Birthday....

A.... in Stratford-upon-Avon.

B.... flags and springs of rosemary.

C.... on April 23, 1564.

D.... flags.

E.... the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

F.... half a year.

G.... the church.

Task 16. Decide whether you think these statements are true or false:

№     True False  
1. Burns’ night is celebrated only in Wales.      
2. The traditional dishes of the festival dinner are: chicken soup, fried herring and haggis.      
3. People dance, listen to bagpipes and to Burns’ poetry at night.      
  4. At the end of the night people recite Burns’ poems.    
  5. Shakespeare’s birthplace is situated in the Poets’ Corner in London.    
  6. People walk along the streets to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.    
  7. Englishmen celebrate Shakespeare’s Birthday only on April, 23.    
  8. The Edinburgh International Festival is held every year in summer and in autumn.    
  9. The festival gives representation of artistic production only from Great Britain.    
  10. The first festival was held in the 19th century.    

Task 17. Match the following titles with the corresponding passages of the text.

- The importance of the Edinburgh International Festival for the musical world.

- The celebration of R. Burns’ birth in Scotland.

- William Shakespeare, a son of Stratford-upon-Avon.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 659. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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