Студопедия — LEGAL PROFESSION. 20 words and expressions in the list below are related to the topic “Legal Profession”
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LEGAL PROFESSION. 20 words and expressions in the list below are related to the topic “Legal Profession”


20 words and expressions in the list below are related to the topic “Legal Profession”. You have two minutes to tick them all.

advising; Master’s degree; accomplice; advocacy; application; barrister; theft; conveyancing; victim; defence; cell; drafting; guilty; drafting of pleadings; Constitution; indictable; articled clerk; full-time job; dictatorship; graduate; void; have full rights of audience; electoral; High Court; Magistrates’ Court; Lord Chancellor; notary; Queen’s Counsel; adoption; solicitor; scare; Law course; Bill of Rights; Privy Council; will; lawyer; clue; Law Society examination; hereditary peer; negotiating; interviewing.



Match the key terms of Unit 1 in ‘Legal English’ to their Russian equivalents.

1. Conflict of Laws a. улики, свидетельские показания, доказательство
2. Constitutional Law b. предъявлять иск, выступать в качестве истца
3. Evidence c. коллизионное право, коллизия правовых норм
4. incumbent d. судебное разбирательство, судебный процесс
5. The Executive e. рассматривать, изучать правовые вопросы
6. Law of Tort f. исполнительная власть
7. Liable g. подлежащий рассмотрению в суде
8. Sue h. конституционное право, конституционный закон
9. Trial I. налагающий обязательства
10. Look up the law j. арбитражное право, деликтное право


Guess the word from the definition. Pick one of the variants: a) or b). Consult the Glossary if necessary. Give yourself one point for each correct answer.

1. A person called to the bar and entitled to practice as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts – a)barrister; b) judge

1. The legal process of moving the legal ownership of property or land from one person to another – a) conveyancing; b) winding - up

3. In the UK, a lawyer, who gives legal advice, writes legal contracts and represents people in the lower courts of law – a) Recorder; b) solicitor

4. To try to reach an agreement by discussing something in a formal way,

especially in a business or political situation - a) negotiating; b) interviewing

5. A judge in a court for minor crimes – a) Law Lord; b) Magistrate

6. An official statement of what a person has decided should be done with their money and property after their death - a) writ; b) will

7. A work taking a long time to do – a) time – consuming; b) tiresome

8. A person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions – a) coroner; b) notary

9. Writing something such as a legal document, speech or letter that may have changes made to it before it is finished - a) drafting; b) filing

10. Showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial – a) unbiased; b) incorruptible


Insert the words in boxes into the text extracts devoted to lawyers’ competencies and translate them into Russian.

advise on; advises; advising on; draft; drafting; joined; litigate; negotiate; representing; resolving; undertaking

1. Kenneth ___________ the firm four years ago and now _________ a wide range of clients on information technology, communications, privacy, spam and intellectual property law, ________ them in contentious matters in court.

2. He’s currently ________ a Master’s degree of e-Law at Wolverhampton University.

3. I __________ legal issues relating to information technology, _________ and __________ agreements, and I ________ cases in court.

4. It’s an extremely wide range of work, from ___________ software licence agreements to ________ privacy and spam law to ______ disputes about copyright ownership.

answering; determine; drafted; drafting; meeting with; reading and analyzing; reviewing; secure; submitted; supervising


5. But I usually spend most of the day ________ documents, ________ agreements, ________ clients and, of course, _______ emails.

6. _________ junior lawyers is also an important part of most days.

7. I spend much of my time ________ scientific and technical documents to __________ in what ways an invention was new and innovative.

8. I _________ and __________ patent applications to _________ patents for the inventor.

advising; bringing; defending; doing; enforcing; form; granted; litigating; working with; write


9. I also had to _______ patent drafts, which ________ the basis for the patents that are ______ by the patent office.

10. What I liked best was _______ or _________ patents.

11. I also particularly liked _______ clients.

12. _________ people was more exciting than _________ all that research alone.

13. I enjoy being in the courtroom, _________ a case and __________ it to a satisfactory conclusion.

apply to; completed; concerning; drafting; had; handling; meet; navigating; require; resolving; specializes


14. And strangely enough, I also enjoy ______ contracts.

15. Clients often ________ us to __________ tight deadlines.

16. I ______ an affinity for commercial law.

17. I ________ an internship during the summer at a big commercial law firm which _________ in maritime law and carriage of goods by sea.

18. Things like ________ charter party disputes, _______ cargo claims and disputes ________ bills of lading and contractual claims.

19. The challenge of shipping work is ________ through a maze of different conventions, laws and regulations which _______ the different areas.



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