Студопедия — The Red Deer
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The Red Deer

The Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) is one of the largest deer species in the world. Its remarkable size is amazing when you consider that most of its habitat encompasses many of Europe and Asia's coldest regions. This makes it interesting to study the Red Deer's habitat, its diet and its physical attributes.

The Red Deer's massive size is due in large part to its larger-than-normal physical attributes.

These attributes vary according to the gender of the animal. Stags are usually 175 to 230 cm long and weigh anywhere from 160 to 240 kg. Hinds tend to be 160 to 210 cm long and weigh 120 to 170 kg. Their tails are also unusually long. They tend to be 12 to 19 cm in length.

Furthermore, it has one of the largest varieties of habitats in the world. The Red Deer is native to Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus Mountains and the Atlas Mountains in Africa. It also lives in Australia, New Zealand, South America because it was introduced into those areas by well-meaning humans. This wide geographic distribution has created unique habitats for the Red Deer. These habitats include woodland areas, forests and grasslands. This variety of habitats has created several sub-species of the Red Deer that are acclimated to the climates of these regions.

Its diet includes a variety of seasonal plants and grasses. Red Deer like to eat seasonal grasses, lichen, mosses and leaves. If these foods are not available, Red Deer will also eat acorns, fruits and nuts that have fallen from trees. Stags will occasionally look for salt licks and other mineral deposits to keep their antlers in top condition.

They have several predators that keep healthier populations in check. The main predators of most Red Deer species are humans and domestic dogs. This is true because hunters in Europe, Asia and Africa enjoy hunting the Red Deer for sport and for food. The Red Deer also has to contend with wild wolves that tend to hunt for older or sicker animals. These predators have kept wild Red Deer populations in check throughout most of the world.


Comprehension check

Ex. 3 Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1 The Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) is the largest animal in the world.

2 The wide geographic distribution has created unique habitats for the Red Deer.

3 Stags will occasionally look for sugar licks and other mineral deposits to keep their antlers in top condition.

4 The main predators of most Red Deer species are wolves.

5 Hunters enjoy hunting the Red Deer for sport and for food.


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