Студопедия — TEXT 13 CADASTRE
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Nowadays great attention is paid to the rational use of earth resources. It is on the basis of cadastre that their value is determined. The earth itself is one of the main sources of natural resources. It needs to be protected. This is a function of cadastre.

What is cadastre? The derivation of the word “cadastre” used to be ascribed to the Latin “capitastrum” (contraction of “capitum registrum”), a register of “capita”, literally “heads” and so by extension “taxable land units”.

In continental Europe the word “cadastre” came to mean … a systematic classification and valuation of land, under the control of central government, by means of maps of parcels drafted on the basis of topographic surveys and recorded according to parcels in a register.

Cadastre is a systematized data bank of different projects, as concerns their legal and economic status, natural surroundings as well as their location. This bank is regularly renewed due to the constant control over the project.

Its appearance was caused by private land ownership and the necessity of collecting taxes from land owners. First it was a register including the list of taxable lands, with the area of each lot, its plan, soil type and the amount of tax being mentioned.

Now the cadastre is a methodically arranged public inventory of data on the properties within a certain country or district based on a survey of their boundaries. The outlines of the property are shown on large – scale maps.

Closely connected to the word “cadastre” is the term “cadastral survey”, which is simply defined as a survey of boundaries of land units. A cadastral survey may be carried out both for initial information of the parcel as well as for any subsequent changes of the boundaries of the parcel. A cadastral survey may also be conducted in order to re-establish the boundaries missing on the ground.

The concept “cadastre” includes the function of serving the purpose of land taxation and the function of providing a description of land units as a basis for registration of right and encumbrances on land. But a cadastre does not itself serve as a register of right and encumbrances.

Cadastral works embrace: land surveys in cities, towns and suburbs for registering and evaluation as well as for constructing engineering works, communications, industrial and civil structures and laying out lands for landowners. Depending on its object cadastre may be classed into land cadastre, city cadastre, city cadastre and taxation one.

Land cadastre embraces all the data on the lands, their legal, economic and environmental status and location. It is to secure rational earth resources exploration. Land cadastre presents a combination of plans and maps as well as different documents on lands, which give all-round characteristics of these territories. All the collected information may be stored in the computer data base.


I. Study the following words:

value, to be protected, literally, extension, rational, use, resources, taxable, land, register, boundaries, survey, parcel, location, surroundings, land owner, cadastral survey, secure.


II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Determination, resource, legal, laying, registration, different, description, structure, function, cadastral, exploration, civil, engineering, depending, regularly.


III. Give the synonyms of the following words:

Characteristics, location, document, store, environment, land, embrace.

IV. Insert prepositions if necessary:

1. This is a function … cadastre.

2. Nowadays great attention is paid … the rational use … earth resources.

3. This bank is regularly renewed due … the constant control … the project.

4. Depending … its object cadastre may be classed … land cadastre, city cadastre, city cadastre and taxation one.

5. It is to secure … rational earth resources exploration.


V. Put five questions to the text “Cadastre”

VI. Give your own definition of the word ‘Cadastre’






The land cadastre consists of four parts: 1. land users’ registration; 2. the title of quantity and quality of land resources; 3. soil’s qualities assessment; 4. economic evaluation.

The land use planning agencies register the right on land parcels which are given to land users. The new land users are registered when decisions are taken by local authorities. All kinds of land uses must be registered in land-title books.

The land users are given land parcels for certain uses and for different needs. The lands are divided into agricultural and non-agricultural lands. The former are subdivided into pastures, grazing lands, grasslands and so on. The State land-title book is the only document for land registration.

Land evaluation consists of soil assessment and economic evaluation of land resources. The assessment of soils determines the natural fertility of land resources and capability for agricultural production.

Land inventory is a systematic survey of land capability of all regions. The boundaries of the survey embrace lands of many millions of square kilometers. Land inventory is also a means to control land users. Land use planners make analysis of uses, particularly the efficiency of agricultural production. The data of the land productivity are quite necessary to determine the rate of taxation and for proper land use management. The land users must know the land capability of all the lands which they operate.

Much is being done to carry out soil surveys.

For many years soil scientists and land use planners have been carrying out a program of classification and mapping the soils. There are now soil maps for almost all agricultural areas. These maps describe the quality of the soils and whether the soil is clay, silt, loam, sand or gravel. They indicate the soil’s fertility and agricultural capability.


I. Study the following words:

Control, taxation, survey, soil classification, relate, register, assessment, evaluation, decision, land-title, grazing, grassland, subdivide, efficiency, necessary, capability, rate, productivity.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1350. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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